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ITU/WMO Joint Seminar on the use of radio spectrum in meteorology, climate and water

23-24 October, 2017, ITU , Geneva, Switzerland
Welcome to the second seminar of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) “Use of Radio Spectrum for Meteorology: Weather, Water and Climate Monitoring and Prediction”

WMO Press Release
ITU press release

Meeting Information

  • Information for participants is available from the ITU Meeting Page http://itu.int/go/ITU-R/sg7-itu-wmo-rsm-17
  • Registrations received online will be included, normally next working day and marked as "Received".
  • Registrations that are complemented by a confirmation from the Agency Head or PR will be marked as "Confirmed"
  • Meeting location will be at ITU Headquarters, Montbrillant Building, Room K
Participants will need to go to the Mont Brilliant Building foyer to receive their pass for ITU before the session starts. The ITU registration desk opens at 8:30am.
The entrance is at 2 Rue de Varembé, Genève which is close to the Nations Bus and tram stops.
Ms Nie Jing, Markus Dreis and Dave Franc take the podium to lead discussions on Met Sat services globally.


Second ITU/WMO Seminar

"Use of Radio Spectrum for Meteorology: Weather, Water and Climate Monitoring and Prediction"

23 October 2017
​​​​09:30-10:00 Opening
ITU Mr Houlin Zhao (Secretary General ITU)
WMO Professor Petteri Taalas (Secretary General WMO)
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 International spectrum management system for meteorology (pdf) Moderator: Eric Allaix (Chair SG-RFC)
ITU and ITU-R (pdf) Vadim Nozdrin (ITU)
ITU-R SG7 activities (pdf) John Zuzek (NASA)
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 International meteorological system (pdf) Moderator: David Thomas (WMO)
WMO- Integrated global observing system, societal economic value (pdf)(mp4) Phil Evans (Met Office)
Essential role of radio frequencies (Resolution 29 (Cg-17)) (pdf) Eric Allaix (Chair SG-RFC)
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Meteorological satellites (pdf) ​ Moderator: Markus Dreis, (EUMETSAT)
Overview of the global network of Meteorological Satellites (pdf) Markus Dreis (EUMETSAT)
Current and future Chinese Meteorological Satellite Networks (pdf) Ms NIE Jing (CMA)
Impact of Deployment of Mobile Services on Meteorological Operations in 1695-1710 MHz (pdf) Ivan Navarro (NOAA)
Current and future EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Network (pdf) Markus Dreis (EUMETSAT)
24 October 2017
​​09:00-10:30 Active and Passive Sensing Moderator: Tom VonDeak (NASA)
Passive sensing developments of the past decade and future challenges (pdf) Dr. Jeffrey R. Piepmeier (NASA)
Active sensing developments of the past decade and future challenges (pdf) Bryan Huneycutt (NASA)
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Meteorological radars Philippe Tristant (EUMETNET)
Current threats on C-Band radars in Europe (pdf) Philippe Tristant (EUMETNET)
Development of a Multipurpose Radar for Increased Spectrum Efficiency (withdrawn) Ivan Navarro (NOAA)
Solid state meteorological radars in the C-Band (pdf) Masakazu Wada(Japan)
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Met aids Moderator: Dave Franc (NOAA)
Transition of US radiosonde operations due to commercialization of spectrum (pdf) Ivan Navarro (NOAA)
Lightning (pdf) Neil Bewley (Met Office)
Radiosondes (pdf) Neil Bewley (Met Office)
Protection of Space Weather Sensor Operations from Interference (pdf) Dave Franc (NOAA)
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 and 2023 issues (pdf) Moderator: Eric Allaix (METEOFRANCE)
17​:30-18:00 Closing​​