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CBS Inter-commission Task Team on WIS (ITT-WIS):

Meeting information

Report of the meeting: Final report

Co-Chairs: Jose Antonio GUIJARRO and Paul DAVIES

WMO & Webex contact: Dave Thomas

Location:WMO, Geneva
Date: 7-8 March 2018
Time: 09:00 am | Europe Time (Berlin, UTC+01:00)


Key objectives

The primary objectives of the meeting are to:
  • Review ITT-WIS's TOR and to establish working arrangements for the group

Meeting details

Register for the meeting

Members of ITT-WIS will be sent an official invitation.

Travel information

Video Conferencing details

Remote participation in the meeting of the Inter-Commission Task Team on WIS (ITT-WIS) will be provided through BlueJeans for the duration of the meeting, from 7 to 8 March 2018 .

Instructions for use of BlueJeans are provided here.

Please find below the details allowing you to join the video meetings on a computer or mobile phone:

ID: 573 704 038
Passcode: (Sent to participants. Email if you have forgotten it)
And, should you wish to test your video connection, please click on the following link:

Administrative documents

Document submission

Participants should submit their documents and presentations for the meeting using the document submission form.
Link for administration of meeting documents (for use be secretariat)

Page last modified on Saturday 24 of March, 2018 09:24:58 CET