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Joint Session of IPET-DRC and IPET-MDI 21-22 May 2012

Location: Met Office, Exeter, UK

Date: 21 to 22 May 2012

Draft Joint Agenda

Draft minutes for correction: Initial minutes prepared during meeting - for correction

Day 1

1. Report from TT-AvXML

1.1 Doc J.1(1) Context and objectives of TT-AvXML
1.2 Doc J.1(2) Developing GML Schema for OPMET products using a Model Driven Approach in Collaboration with ICAO

1.3 Review of examples: TAF, METAR/SPECI and SIGMET

2. Data representation requirements for WIGOS and Climatology: station metadata

2.1 Doc J.2(1) Requirements for WIGOS observation 'metadata' dataset
  • Inf J.2(1) - presentation on station metadata.
2.2 Doc J.2(1) Describing 'station metadata': developing a Climate observations Application Schema
2.3 Recommendations and proposals for the maintenance and publication of station 'metadata'

3. Application of a Model-Driven Approach to WMO Data Exchange Standards

3.1. Doc J.3(1) Beyond Aviation OPMET; a Model-Driven Approach to WMO Data Exchange Standards
  • Presentation on model approach: ppt, pdf

3.2. Encoding rules to support (automated) derivation of BUFR Edition 4 Templates from UML Logical Model
3.3. Identify test-cases for further development and validation of the 'Model Driven Approach' based on unresolved IPET-DRC work items that require new BUFR Templates to be developed
3.4. Recommendations concerning the 'Model Driven Approach' to development of data exchange standards
3.5. Recommendations concerning the technical applicability, governance and maintenance of the WMO Logical Data Model
3.6. Next steps and future work plan

Day 2 (Morning)

4. (Standing IPET-DRC Agenda Item) Requirements for future editions of TDCF

4.1. Consolidation of ideas for next edition of BUFR

4.1.1. Doc J.4(1) Requirements from Model Driven Approach for BUFR; enriching the BUFR meta model to match (object-oriented) UML meta model

4.2. Consolidation of ideas for next edition of GRIB

4.2.1. Doc J.4(2) - pdf Requirements from Model Driven Approach for GRIB; harmonization of GRIB Sections with ISO/TC211 Reference Models (ISO 19156, ISO 19123) and consistency with CF-netCDF
4.2.2. Doc J.4(3) User needs for registry form of TDCF Tables (submitted on behalf of UCAR)

5. (Standing IPET-DRC Agenda Item) Publication and management of WMO Codes for public consumption

5.1 .Doc J.5(1) Publication of WMO TDCF as Web-Accessible Registers
5.2. Demonstration - UK Met Office: Pilot Registry implementation from Met Office
5.3. (Discussion) Establishing mappings to external definition spaces (e.g. CF-Standard Names and other community vocabularies)
5.4. Review of proposals and recommendations

6 Closure of joint session

6.1. Agree joint future work items and associated mile-stones

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Page last modified on Tuesday 22 of May, 2012 15:49:08 CEST