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Welcome to the ET-ELRF pages

ET-ELRF is part of the WMO's OPAG on Data-processing and Forecasting Systems (OPAG-DPFS). These pages are intended to be used by the team for developing documents and plans for the ET-ELRF.

Terms of Reference for the CBS Expert Team on Extended- and Long-Range Forecasting (ET-ELRF):

(a) On the basis of requirements from Regional Climate Centres (RCCs), Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) and NMHSs, guide future development, outputs and coordination of components in the production of LRF. The components include Global Producing Centres (GPCs), Lead Centres for Long-range Forecast Multi-model Ensembles (LCLRFMME), and the Lead Centre for the Standard Verification System for Long-range Forecasts LC-SVSLRF);

(b) In coordination with CCl, promote the use of GPC and LC forecast and verification products by RCCs, RCOFs and NMHSs, develop new interpretation guidance to facilitate their use, and encourage feedback on usefulness and application;

(c) Report on production, access, dissemination and exchange and provide recommendations for future consideration and adoption by CAS, CCl, CBS and other appropriate bodies;

(d) In consultation with relevant experts in CAS and CCl and with the Coordination Group on Forecast Verification, review developments in verification scores and practices with a view to updating the Standard Verification System for Long-range Forecasts (SVSLRF);

(e) Assess applications for GPC status against the designation criteria and make recommendations on designation to CBS;

(f) Review the rules regarding user access to GPC and LC-LRFMME forecasts products;

(g) Establish the status of extended-range forecasting activities and recommend a timetable for developing an exchange of extended-range forecasts and verification products;

(h) Review the Manual on the GDPFS (WMO-No. 485) and propose updates as necessary concerning extended and long-range forecasts.


discussion forum


- ET-ELRF Meeting Report (Exeter, UK, 28 June - 2 July 2010)

Page last modified on Monday 19 of July, 2010 11:38:30 CEST