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This is the static archive copy of the old wiswiki, decommissioned on June 1 2020



Welcome to the ET-CTS pages:


  1. PubSub Workshop 5-6 March 2020 in Toulouse, France.
  2. 2019 ET-CTS meeting 11-15 February 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  3. Joint ET-WISC-CTS etc 13-17 November 2017, Geneva
  4. ET-CTS meeting 05-08 April 2016 in Dakar, Senegal
  5. Ad hoc ET-CTS meeting 15-16 October 2014 in Exter, UK
  6. 2014 ET-CTS meeting 18-21 March 2014 in Brasilia, Brazil
  7. Joint ROC/RMDCN TT May 2012
  8. RMDCN Workshop May 2012
  9. 2012 ET-CTS meeting 30 Apr to 3 May 2012 in Geneva.
  10. 2010 ET-CTS meeting 21-24 Sep 2010 in Geneva.
  11. L2008 ET-CTS meeting 26-29 May 2008 in Toulouse
  12. 2006 ET-CTS meeting 25-28 April 2006 in Tokyo


  1. Link to Joint ET-WISC / ET-CTS Telecon 19Jul2017 Record of meeting
  2. Link to Telcon 03Feb2016 Meeting page
  3. Link to Telcon 06May2015 Meeting page
  4. Link to Telcon 21Mar2013 Record of meeting
  5. Link to Telcon 20Feb2012 Record of meeting

International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Collection Systems

Cache in the cloud working group

Working Area

  1. 2013
  2. IPv6 (Restricted access - Login to see more than a blank page)

This page contains a link to an ET-CTS discussion forum

Should you want to be notified of a new posting, please monitor the discussion forum by clicking on the eye symbol in the top-right corner of the page.

The ET-CTS discussion forum can be read by all users and be posted to by Wiki users.

Documentation Pages

  1. WIS Home Page
  2. Discussion page for the usage of social-networks

Discussion on WMO Man 386 Attachment II-15 & 16 and other Manual on GTS updates
  1. GTS Manual Development Pages

Page last modified on Friday 13 of December, 2019 13:41:23 CET