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This is the static archive copy of the old wiswiki, decommissioned on June 1 2020



CBS-15 WIS Centres' Committee

Welcome to the WIS Centres' Committee established to review Appendix B of the Manual on WIS (WMO No 1060)

The following links will assist you in your function.

  • WIS Centres Database (Spreadsheet)
    • This DB is an extract of the online WIS centres db. Note that the Principal GISC has been confirmed by the Member if there is a contact name or 'P-GISC confirmed' in the Comments column. Note also that this does not mean the nominated Principal GISC has accepted this statement. It is hoped that GISC representatives on the committee will have the authority to confirm acceptance.
  • Links (Spreadsheet)
    • This is an export of the record of the links registered in the GTS based on the diagrams shown on the ICT-ISS Spaghetti Diagram page
    • Note that this table was created on those available at the end of 2010 so later updates may need to be taken into consideration.
    • The table is based on the GTS so shows all centres connections to an RTH so did not capture centre to centre non GTS links. Where links have been recorded between centres that are not GTS, then they are still WIS links and contain a tick in the International Column.
    • Linkspeed is not given for VSAT, Internet or EMWIN. The term NI means not implemented, NO means not operational. the others are self explanatory.
  • Manual on the WIS PDF
    • This is the current published version of the Manual on the WIS for reference.
  • Link to online WIS Centres DB
    • Changes to the online database originally the responsibility of the ICG-WIS sub group led by Al Kellie (NCAR) but was passed to ET-WISC by CBS Management Group Approval in 2012 as a result of EC-63 decision to drop ICG-WIS. The ET-WISC maintains a subgroup that now authorise changes to this table.
    • Note that the information in this page is advisory and that the Manual on WIS (Appendix B1, B2 and B3) remains the authoritative source for lists of WIS centres.

Page last modified on Tuesday 11 of September, 2012 04:08:26 CEST