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How to comment on AvXML 1.0RC2

Please submit you comments on AvXML 1.0RC2 before 14 June 2013.

Submitting your comments on how to improve AvXML 1.0

There have been many changes to AvXML between AvXML 1.0RC1 and AvXML 1.0RC2. Please make sure that your comments are based on AvXML 1.0RC2.

Making sure that your comment is understood and acted upon

There may be many comments on AvXML 1.0RC2, and the team will find it easier to respond to your comment if you follow these guidelines
  • Check whether the issue has already been raised ( see below )
  • Be as specific as you can in your comment - give examples if this helps
  • Only comment on one issue in a submission - issues may be handled by different team members so including several comments in one submission may result in some being missed
  • Always include the text [AvXML-1.0RC2] in the subject line of your comment - so that others can find comments on RC2
  • Submit your comment as soon as you can, so that others do not have to repeat your work.
  • Email your comment to cbs-tt-avxml @ wmo.int.

Seeing the comments made by others

Comments on this release candidate (AvXML 1.0RC2) may be found at our Google Group: CBS-TT-AvXML (look for entries with the prefix [1.0RC2-feedback]).

How do I know if others have made the same comment as me?

In addition to the Google Group (look for entries with the prefix [1.0RC2-feedback]) that contains the comments and initial responses to them.

Page last modified on Wednesday 01 of May, 2013 14:59:11 CEST