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IWXXM Version 1

This page is the entry point for documentation of WMO IWXXM 1.1.

IWXXM 1.1 supports the exchange of meteorological information in XML, including support of international civil aviation under the regulations provided by ICAO Annex 3 and WMO-No. 49 Volume II as updated by Amendment 76.

Structure of IWXXM

IWXXM is built on several packages:

Packages managed by WMO

  • METCE - a set of foundation building blocks to support application schema in the domains of interest to WMO, notably the weather, climate, hydrology, oceanography and space weather disciplines
  • Observable Property Model (OPM) - based on work by the OGC Sensor Working Group, this allows creation of definitions that are derived from the meteorological basic types.

Packages managed by ICAO

  • IWXXM - ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model - defines the reports required by ICAO (the equivalent of METAR/SPECI, TAF and SIGMET) that are built from the components of the packages managed by WMO
  • SAF - Simple Aeronautical Features, that allow items such as airports, or runways to be described to the level of detail required for reporting aviation weather

More details of these packages are available on a separate wiki page.

Release Package for IWXXM edition 1.1

The full package is linked from the Release Package wiki page. This includes links to the schemas.

Registry to support IWXXM

This release introduces a web accessible registry which contain information about the supplemental resource required to publish data products in the AvXML format.

Initially, the WMO Codes Registry is populated only with those elements critical for IWXXM - more information will continue to be added.

Further information about the WMO Codes Registry can be found on a separate page.

Release Notes

Release notes for AvXML 1.1 are included in the release Package. They are available from the Release Notes wiki page.


Tutorials on AvXML are available.

Reporting issues with IWXXM

The procedure for reporting issues with TT-AvXML is described on the issues page.

Index to supporting pages

The structure of the pages within the wiki that support this consultation is shown below.

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Page last modified on Friday 13 of May, 2016 12:02:44 CEST