As the Internet continues to shape developments in IT and as PCs become more powerful and cheaper, the WMO GTS is being presented with alternative, more cost-effective means of meteorological data handling.


The WMO GDPS has been under "attack" by forces of technological change for quite a while. The results of which has been the emergence of automated GTS and computerised data/products handling systems. Before the advent of Internet the WMO data communication system was based on the "store and forward" procedures. Under these GTS procedures it was not possible to "fetch " data/products from a source. Internet has changed all that. Using Internet technology it is now possible to configure systems which facilitate two-way data communication. This document provides details of some cost-effective implementations of such systems that integrate automated message switching and telecommunication functionality with computerised meteorological applications. Systems that have clear migration paths in response to GDPS requirement increases in scope and sophistication. The modular approach to the design of the systems playing a major role in the definition of such paths.


The most important aspect of the above system concept is migration which simply put means the ability to upgrade the system without discarding what is already there. The ability to build on what already exists. When NMCs try to constitute a system ensemble some of the following factors are to be considered: