This is the sub-system responsible for the processing and post-processing of the various types of data and products stored by the DBMS to generate and display a range of products. The level of activity implementations for this sub-system depends much on the availability of resources at the centre concerned and can include some or all of the following activities. It should be emphasised that the activities listed below are independently implementable.
The following are resource requirements for each of the above elements. In a number of cases the Computer (PC) hardware specifications may be similar, and for this reason generic specifications are annexed and where applicable are referred to.
4.4.1 The Plotting Module
Function: To automate the plotting of meteorological data available from the DBMS, the requirements are:
4.4.2 Climatology and Database Management Module
To further quality control, process and archive meteorological data for non-real time
applications. Preparation of non-real time products and climate research.
Note: The type of a PC system has, as a backup device:
4.4.3 The Media Module
To prepare products that are put on the media. Apart from text forecasts, the module is
also used in the preparation of TV forecasts. DBMS stored data/products are used to
produce images for TV broadcasts.
4.4.4 Operational Weather Forecasting Module
The DBMS sub-system would decode, quality controlled and stored the data/products, and
this module would then display or print. Apart from merely displaying and/or printing the
DBMS stored products a forecaster can also process further these stored data to generate
value-added products. In doing so the forecaster may also make use of NWP data/products.
However, to receive NWP data/products it requires high-speed data links. And to be able to
further process such NWP data it requires high specification workstations.
The data/products processing operations may consist of:
on the following types of data:
Requirements to implement this module will depend on whether the simple or the advanced option is being implemented.
Simple Option Requirements:
Advanced Option Requirements:
4.4.5 Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Module
There are two aspects of NWP, one aspect involves the reception and usage of NWP products, and the other aspect involves the actual generation of NWP products. Resource requirements for the realisation of these two aspects are inherently different. But both aspects require a high speed link to the NWP data/products source - 64 kbps preferred.
NWP Products Visualisation: This can be achieved using the aviation application Module covered above.
NWP Products Generation: When it comes to deciding on the requirements for the generation of NWP products the spectrum is very wide, a spectrum which depends, among other things, on:
Whether an RSMC runs a Global Model (GM) or a Limited Area Model (LAM), it must have good GTS links to assimilate the model data needed. To run a GM model, it requires multiprocessor super computers, which very few RSMC in RA I can afford, the SAWB is one exception. With its two 10-processor, Cray super computers and super workstations as pre-processors, the SAWB is running both the GSM and the ETA-co-ordinated regional model. No attempt will be made here to provide the requirement for running a GM.
There are several operational Limited Area (Regional) NWP models. To run any of such models require:
4.4.6 Internal Internet Web Server Module
Function: A server connected to the internal LAN to provide email and Web Pages for internal use only.
Hardware: Type (a) configuration PC System
Software: Web Browse with e-mail *
Note: The Win 2000 Operating System can be appropriately configured to provide both the e-mail and browser functions.