Dear Reader, 

         The Operational Newsletter was first introduced in 1982, at the request of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS), with the objective of providing World Weather Watch Centres with urgent notifications and a summary of the latest operational information on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services.  In December 2001 the CBS Management Group approved the electronic distribution of the Newsletter thus enabling operational centres to receive up-to-date information on a near real-time basis.

         This Newsletter is published at the end of each month and is disseminated free of charge through our on-line service.  Check our home page for the most recent issue, alternatively, complete the subscription form (if you havn’t already done so) and we will contact you when it is available.

         We hope that this Newsletter has been of service to you.  Should you feel that we did not meet with your requirements  please contact us.



       We would like to inform you that on 11 May 2007 the new WMO web site was lauched (see Message from the Secretary-General). 

              If you have experienced difficulties during this transition period please accept our appologies.

The new links are as follows:

For accessing the WMO home page:
For accessing the WWW Department:

For accessing the Operational Newsletter:

For those who have book marked the OLD  link please be sure to  change this.

The Global Observing System

Publication No. 9 -Weather Reporting: Volume A - Observing stations

Advanced Notifications are included in the weekly METNOs each Thursday and can also be retrieved from the WMO Server.


[Feedback Form] [Explanation of the Feedback Form]



The Global telecommunication System

Publication No. 386
Manual on the global telecommunication system


The following amendments, to the above publication, have been adopted:

EC-LIX (Geneva, 28-30 May 2007) adopted the following amendments to the Manual on the the GTS which were included in Recommendation 3 (CBS-Ext(06)):

Volume I, Parts I and II.  This will take effect on 7 November 2007 Recommendation 3 (CBS-Ext(06)
Volume II - Regional Aspects - the Antarctic (to view Res 5/9 EC-LIX)

The "Manual on the GTS" as well as the amendments are available online [click here].


Publication No. 9 -Weather Reporting: 
Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins

Recent METNOs issued:

[C2307] [C2407]
[C2507] [C2607] [C2707]

Notifications are inserted in METNO messages transmitted via the GTS each Tuesday and can also be retrieved from the WMO Server.


For a brief explanation of Volume C1 and feedback mechanisms click here

Changes to RTH Moscow - Russian Federation: see METNOs [C2407]

Changes to RTH Offenbach - Germany: see METNOs [C2507]  [C2607]

Changes to RTH Melbourne - Australia: see METNOs [C2707]

Publication No. 9 -Weather Reporting
Volume C2 - transmission programmes


Amendments to Radio facsimile schedule for Offenbach (Main) Hamburg/Pinneberg (broadcast for shipping) has changed for the summertime period 14 June 2007 to 08 October 2007. After this period it will revert back to the winter schedule.

To view Chapter 3 - Radio-Facsimile Broadcasts

Amendments to RTT Broadcast for Shipping.

To view Chapter 2 Radio Broadcasts of Alphanumeric Information


Marine Meteorological Services

Automatic Marine Stations

Publication No. 9 -Weather Reporting

Volume d - information for shipping



Amendments to Radio facsimile schedule for Offenbach (Main) Hamburg/Pinneberg (broadcast for shipping) has changed for the summertime period 14 June 2007 to 08 October 2007. After this period it will revert back to the winter schedule.

To view Chapter 4 - Radio-Facsimile Broadcasts


The analysis of the Special MTN Monitoring (SMM) for APRIL 2007

Diagrams showing differences in the availability of reports between MTN centres during the
SMM monitoring for April 2007

Availability of reports from fixed stations at MTN centres as a whole

Availability of reports from mobile stations

Comparison between bulletins included in Volume C1, bulletins in routeing catalogues of MTN centres and the set of bulletins received during the April 2007  SMM exercise

Bulletin comparisons
Comparison of bulletins transmitted during an SMM exercise with RTH routeing catalogues and Volume C1
Comparison of bulletins in Volume C1 with bulletins transmitted during an SMM exercise and RTH Routeing Catalogues
Total number of bulletins in RTH Routeing Catalogues,  transmitted during an SMM exercise and in Volume C1


Comparison in content (iiiii) of bulletins (TTAAii CCCC) - Comparing RBSN/RBCN stations included in bulletins received during the SMM exercise and compiled in bulletins in Volume C

MTN centres are invited to review the comparisons and amend Volume C1 and their routeing catalogues accordingly.



June 2007



The Global Observing System

The Global Telecommunication System

Marine Meteorological Services



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© WMO - OMM 2007; 
World Meteorological Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
Web design
Jennifer BEST

Last updated: 03 July, 2007