Dear Reader, 

         The Operational Newsletter was first introduced in 1982, at the request of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS), with the objective of providing World Weather Watch Centres with urgent notifications and a summary of the latest operational information on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services.  In December 2001 the CBS Management Group approved the electronic distribution of the Newsletter thus enabling operational centres to receive up-to-date information on a near real-time basis.

         This Newsletter is published at the end of each month and is disseminated free of charge through our on-line service.  Check our home page for the most recent issue, alternatively, complete the subscription form (if you havn’t already done so) and we will contact you when it is available.

         We hope that this Newsletter has been of service to you.  Should you feel that we did not meet with your requirements  please contact us.

RSS FEED (Really simple syndication)



RSS is an XML-based format for sharing and distributing Web content, such as news headlines. Using an RSS reader, you can view data feeds from various news sources, including headlines, summaries and links to complete information.

Subscribing to the WWW Operational Information Service feed you will be kept up-to-date with the latest operational information as and when we receive it.

How to subscribe to this feed?
1: You need an RSS News Aggregator (also called RSS reader) which will download and display RSS feeds for you.  Several free and commercial News Aggregators are available for download.  WMO is currently using Ampheta Desk.

2: Once you have an RSS reader activate the .EXE file. 

3: To add the Operational Information RSS feed, right click on the RSS link, copy the URL and paste it into your RSS reader and click on the button  "Add this Channel".


Comments and/or suggestions are welcomed and can be submitted using our feedback form, found on the right panel of this page. 

WMO No. 9 - Volume A- Observing Stations
RECENT METNOs ISSUED: [MA3507][MA3407][MA3307][MA3207][MA3107][MA3007]

Adanced notifications of changes are included in weekly METNO messages transmitted via the GTS every Thursday. They can also be retrieved from the WMO Server.

Explanation of the coding used in METNOs.

To update your entries read the instructions and complete the Feedback Form.

WMO No. 9 - Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins

RECENT METNOs ISSUED: [MC3507] [MC3407]  [MC3307]  [MC3207] [MC3107] [MC3007]

METNO messages provide advanced warnings of modifications to Volume C1 and are transmitted via the GTS every Tuesday. They can also be retrieved from the WMO Server.

Coding used in METNOs

How to amend your entries
The flat file of the Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins is available in: [.txt] [.exe] [.zip] [.xml/.xsd] [Interactive access]

RTH Focal Points

Home page

Amendments to the following RTHs:

RTH Tokyo
RTH Cairo
RTH Khabarovsk

WMO No. 386 - Manual on the Global Telecommunication System

Volume I - Global Aspects -- Part II — Operational Procedures for the GTS

Amendment to Length of meteorological messages

Table C1 - Part I - Geographical designators A1A2 for use in the abbreviated headings T1T2A1A2ii should be amended to read:

EI - Erithrea (on a temporary basis, awaiting approval from CBS)

ZR - Democratic Republic of the Congo (change in country name)

WMO No. 306 - Manual on Codes

Volume II - Regional Codes and National Coding Practices

region vi

Notification from Switzerland

Notification from France/Spain regarding  NIVOMET code

Automatic Marine Stations



New Zealand

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United States of America

Information on marine stations monitored by JCOMMOPS: (buoys, profiling floats, ships of opportunity)

www operational information services
Best practices for the management of the Operational Information


Meetings: World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme

CBS related meetings

CIMO Meetings

Reports of WWW Meetings

MMOP Meetings

the special mtn monitoring (smm)
The Special MTN Monitoring for July 2007 is now available on our web server.



















To Contact us
To Subscribe
To Unsubscribe


[2006] [2005] [2004] [2003]

[2002] [2001] [2000] [1999] [1998]





























© WMO - OMM 2007; 
World Meteorological Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
Web design
Jennifer BEST

Last updated: 19 September, 2007