Publication No. 9: Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins

Advanced Notifications received from RTHs are included in the weekly METNOs each Tuesday

Notification from RTH Prague [see METNO 4605


Notification from RTH Offenbach  [see METNO 4605


Notification from RTH Tokyo [see METNO 4705] and [see METNO 4805


Notification from RTH Toulouse [see METNO 4805


Notification from RTH Antananarivo [see METNO 4805


Publication No. 9 - Weather Reporting: Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes
Notification from RTH Beijing

Chapter 1 - Data Distribution Systems via Satellites

Weblink for PCVSAT broadcast should be linked to:

The summary for its transmission programmes is as follows:

1. Observational data: SYNOP, SHIP, BUOY, TEMP and PILOT bulletins exchanged over the GTS.
2. CMA T213L3 products (GRIB code form)
3. CMA HLAFS products (GRIB code form)
4. The cloud motion wind products derived from CMA's FY-2C satellite (BUFR code form)


Chapter 3 - Radio-Facsimile Broadcast

Delete schedule for Shanghai radio facsimile broadcasts, which was stopped on 1 January 2004. 




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Last updated: 14 September, 2007