Tsunami Watch Information for the Indian Ocean


The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC, NOAA/NWS, Hawaii, USA) and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA, Tokyo, Japan) have agreed to provide interim Tsunami advisory information for the Indian Ocean Region, as one of the follow-up actions of the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction held in Kobe, Japan from 17 to 22 January 2005.

      "Tsunami Watch Information" (TWI) bulletins that are targeted primarily at the countries of the Indian Ocean Region, are issued when required by JMA and PTWC with the abbreviated heading WEIO40 RJTD and WEIO23 PHEB respectively, via RTH Tokyo and WMC/RTH Washington.Detailed arrangements are currently in progress for the provision of TWI, but, in view of the emergency, TWI bulletins should be distributed globally via the GTS.

      Regional Telecommunication Hubs (RTHs), and in particular RTHs on the MTN, are therefore requested to update with immediate effect their routeing directories to ensure the efficient routeing and distribution of these TWI messages by all relevant routes, and in particular towards RTHs serving associated NMCs on the Indian Ocean rim, and to RTHs operating satellite-based data distribution systems covering any part of the Indian Ocean rim. TWI bulletins should also be inserted in the transmission programme of satellite-based data distribution systems, including RETIM-Africa, EUMETCast and METEOSAT MDD (until end 2005) (West IO), CMA PCVSAT (N-E IO), ISCS and EMWIN (East IO).


Publication No. 9: Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins


Advanced Notifications received from RTHs are included in the weekly METNOs each Tuesday

RTH Offenbach: Advanced Notification [ED06323o.txt]

The updated catalogues:  EDZW323o.txt  and EDZW3323P.txt have been included in Volume C1

RTH Moscow [RU03401O.txt

The updated catalogues:  RUMS401O has been included in Volume C1

Effective 14 April 2005, SIGMET data in the area of Moscow (Russia) will be issued by Moscow Automated Traffic Control Centre.  In this connection a new  CCCC-RUMA has been added.  Instead of the WSRS31 RUVN bulletin a WSRS31 RUMA bulletin will now be issued.

RTH Tokyo 

The updated catalogues:  RJTD302O.txt and RJTD301P.txt have been included in Volume C1

Notification from the United States of America  [METNO C1305]


Effective 17 May 2005, the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) will implement extensive World Meteorological Organization (WMO) header and NWS communications identifier changes to the aviation text products produced by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC), the Alaska Aviation Weather Unit (AAWU), and the Honolulu Weather Forecast Office (WFO).  These changes are required to bring these headers and identifiers into compliance with WMO and NWS standards.

If you rely on the communication header information to access or process these products, this change will affect your ability to use these products after 17 May 2005 unless the necessary changes to ensure the receipt or proper processing of this information are carried out.

Details regarding this change, and a complete list of old and new headers, are available on the NWS web site.

Please contact  Ronald Olson for further information. 




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