The Secretariat would like to take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Piet Y. de Vries, KNMI (Netherlands), for his kind cooperation and assistance during his years with KNMI and would like to wish him all the best in his retirement.  Piet has been with KNMI since June 1965 and retires on 1 June 2005.  He has spent 25 years sailing on the Dutch weather ships Cirrus and Cumulus and 15 years working for the meteorological service in data management and meteorological codes. 

His successor will be Mr. Peter C. M. van Uden who will also be  the Dutch Focal Point on code matters for the WMO, as from the first of June 2005.

Automatic Marine Stations  [Home Page]    
EUMETNET Composite Obervating System (EUCOS)   [current status] 

ARGOS monthly status report  (unavailable at present due to technical difficulties)

National Programmes:

       Australia  [current status] 

       Canada  [current status] 
       France  [current status] 
       New Zealand  [current status] 
       United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  [current status] 
       United States of America  [current status] 
Publication No. 9 - Weather Reporting: Volume A - Observing stations
Notification from Portugal [see METNO A1305]

According to the Management of the Azores sounding station LAJES/SANTA RITA - 08508, the 00UTC upper-air observations were suspended due to lack of personnel between 22 March-06 April 2005.

Notification from Switzerland  [see METNO A1505]

METEOSWISS commenced sending SYNOP messages to the GTS with a new software.  This software is intended to be compliant with th elatest version of WMO 306.  This implied several changes with respect to the previously transmitted SYNOPs. 

Amendments to Volume A:  [to view] 
FEEDBACK:  [Explanatory Note]  [Feedback Form]



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