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June 2003



Issues per year
Previous issues
Contact information


World Weather Watch
Marine Meteorological Services


Automatic Marine Stations

National Programmes:
United States of America
New Zealand
United Kingdom

European Group on Ocean Stations

ARGOS monthly status reports

Feedback from Members to the Secretariat re the Observing Network

Explanatory Note
Feedback Form


Dear Reader,

In 1982 the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) requested that a Newsletter be produced to provide World Weather Watch Centres with the latest operational information. In December 2001 (Sydney) the CBS Management Group agreed that the Newsletter should be distributed via electronic mail.   For the future we envisage disseminating the electronic newsletter at irregular intervals (i.e. as and when information is made available to us), thus providing operational centres with the most recent and relevant information.

This Newsletter is disseminated free of charge by the World Meteorological Organization Secretariat. Its objective is to provide World Weather Watch (WWW) Centres with urgent notifications and a summary of the latest operational information on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services, in particular on:

  • The Global Observing System
  • The Global Telecommunication System
  • The Global Data-Processing System
  • Data Management
  • Codes
  • Marine Meteorological Services

PLEASE check our World Weather Watch home page for the most recent edition.  Alternatively complete the subscription form (if you havn’t already done so) and we will contact you when the Newsletter is available.

Issues per year
The Newsletter is currently being distributed monthly.

Contact information
If the Newsletter did not meet with your requirements, please help us to improve it by sending your comments/suggestions.   You can subscribe to our newsletter any time.  If you do not wish to receive future issues of the Operational Newsletter  click here to unsubscribe.

email: Jennifer BEST Best_J@gateway.wmo.ch

The WMO Secretariat would like to express its appreciation to all those who have contributed material to the "Operational Newsletter".


Volume A - Observing Stations

Delete station: 01154 Litloy Fyr   SM/SINO44

New station:
01430 Mandal II,  58 03N - 07 27E H=138, obs times: 06,12,18 

National bulletin: SMNO96 ENMI


Add codes:
New entries for radiosondes in Common CodeTable C-2 (Code table: 3685 and 0 02 011 for BUFR):

Code figure
55 Meisei RS-016 (Japan)
56 M2K2 (France)
57 M2K2-P (France)



From 1 July 2003, METEO France will make available through the GTS "real-time" data from Jason-1 satellite (OSDR data).

These data, wind and waves oriented, are available for the community, and especially for meteorological and oceanographical services. This has been possible thanks to a cooperation between space agencies of the USA (NASA) and France (CNES), as well as CNES and METEO France.

Data will be available as BUFR encoded messages, using pre-operational descriptors validated by last CBS. These descriptors are documented on WMO web site (item "codes", "WMO codes and data representation forms", "new additions to code tables", document "BUFR/CREX Table B" or "additions to BUFR/CREX Tables").

Messages will be available on request, in bulletin form split by geographical areas, using abbreviated headers ISZ[A-D,I-L]01 LFPW.

logoblack.gif (2051 bytes) Copyright © World Meteorological Organization,  13 November 2002
Design by Jenny Best