Keywords for Describing WMO Datasets
Last updated 26 April 2004
Please note that the following is a list of single keywords. These words would be combined within a keyword list (e.g. daily maximum temperature) to describe the content of datasets available for exchange.
Comments or suggestions for additional entries should be sent to
(any number) | Chemistry | Direction | Glacial |
Aerosol | Climate | Dissolved | Global |
Aerosols | Climatology | Divergence | GPS |
Agriculture | Cloud | Droplet | Ground |
Air | Clouds | Drought | Growing |
Altitude | Component | Dry | Gust |
Amount | Condensation | Dynamics | Heating |
Analyses | Conductivity | Electricity | Height |
Analysis | Cooling | Elevation | Hour |
Anomaly | Cores | Energy | Hourly |
Anomalies | Cover | Equivalent | Humidity |
Applied | CREX | Erosion | Hurricane |
Atmospheric | Crop | Evaporation | Hydrology |
Aviation | Cyclone | Evapotranspiration | Hydrometeorology |
Biometeorology | Daily | Events | Ice |
Boundary | Day | Extent | Imagery |
Brightness | Days | Extremes | Index |
BUFR | Degree | Forecast | Instruments |
Bulb | Depth | Forestry | Land |
Ceiling | Dew | Freeze | Laser |
Change | Diffusion | Frost | Layer |
Layers | Ozone | Rainfall | Space |
Level | Paleoclimatology | Rate | Spectral |
Lifted | Period | Ratio | Speed |
Lightning | pH | Reflectance | Stability |
Long | Phenomena | Reflectivity | Storms |
Marine | Physics | Relative | Stratopause |
Maximum | Point | Remote | Stratosphere |
Micrometeorology | Pollution | Rings | Stratospheric |
Minimum | Potential | Salinity | Sunshine |
Mixed | Precipitable | Satellite | Surface |
Mixing | Precipitation | Sea | Swell |
Model | Present | Sedimentation | SYNOP |
Modification | Pressure | Sensing | System |
Monthly | Properties | Short | Temperature |
Mountain | Quality | Size | Tendency |
Nuclei | Radar | Snow | Thickness |
Normals | Radiance | Snowfall | Tide |
Observation | Radiation | Soil | Topography |
Ocean | Radiative | Soils | Track |
Oceanography | Radiological | Solar | Transport |
Oxygen | Rain | Soundings | Tree |
Tropopause | Type | Virtual | Weather |
Troposphere | Upper | Vorticity | Wind |
Tropospheric | Use | Water | Yield |
Turbidity | Vapour | Wave | |
Turbulence | Volume | Waves |