

SYDNEY, 3 to 7 DECEMBER 2001

RA-V-PIW-3/Doc. 8(1)





Draft Terms of Reference for the
Working Group on Planning and Implementation of the WWW in Region V

(Submitted by the Secretariat)

Summary and purpose of document

This document presents a draft resolution for the establishment of the Working Group on PIW foreseen to be submitted to XIII-RA V.



The Working Group is invited to consider this proposal and recommend any adjustments.



Draft resolution




(1) Resolution 2 (Cg-XIII) - World Weather Watch Programme;

(2) That major developments in science and technology have taken place which need to be introduced into the WWW system;

(3) That WWW data and products are of vital importance to Members of RA V for meeting the increasing requirements of users for meteorological services and for tailored products;


(1) That the implementation of the WWW in the Region should be kept under constant review;

(2) That the introduction of the new WWW concepts will be of great benefit to all Members in the Region;

(3) That full integration of the WWW functional components requires careful coordination among Members of RA V and constant evaluation of the related projects;

(4) That the range of applications of the products of the WWW to socio-economic life and development and to the physical environment in the Region is continually evolving;

(5) That the WMO Long-term Plan needs regular updating from the point of in view of regional requirements;


(1) To establish a Working Group on Planning and Implementation of the WWW in Region V (RA V/WG-PIW) with the following terms of reference:

(a) To monitor the progress made in the implementation and operation of the WWW in the Region and advise on possible improvements and priorities for appropriate actions to be carried out under the WWW Programme and the need for external support, where required;

(b) To keep under review the actions taken under the required WWW Implementation Programme of the Fifth and Sixth WMO Long-term Plans with a view to updating and further developing the Programme relating to RA V;

(c) To develop proposals for the further development and full integration of the WWW components and functions with a view to achieving a cost-effective operation and a better supply of WWW data and products throughout the Region;

(d) To keep abreast of new developments in the field of meteorological data processing, observing techniques and telecommunications and to make recommendations for their application in the Region;

(e) To study the possible impact of new methods and techniques on the regional structure and functions of the WWW with a view to developing proposals for optimizing the Global Data-processing System, the Global Observing System and the Global Telecommunications System in the Region;

(f) To develop an action programme for the improved exchange of WWW data and products on the basis of stated regional requirements which would include provisions for the generation of high-quality products by Global Data-processing System centres in the Region as well as making available data and products from other Regions;

(g) To advise the president of the Association on all matters concerning the WWW;

(h) To keep under constant review the Regional Telecommunication Plan and its implementation, including developments in the use of satellites for data collection and distribution;

(i) To maintain close liaison with those bodies responsible for the implementation of IGOSS and related oceanographic programmes, other WWW-related coordination bodies in the Region, such as SPREP and the South Pacific Forum;

(2) That the working group should be composed of:

(a) A co-ordinator of a Sub-group on Regional Aspects of the Global Telecommunication System and Data Management;

(b) A Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of the Global Observing System;

(c) A Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of the Global Data-processing System;

(d) A Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of Public Weather Services;

(e) Other experts as nominated by Members;

The terms of reference of the sub-group and the rapporteurs are indicated in the annex to this resolution;

(3) To designate in accordance, with Regulation 32 of the WMO General Regulations, ..................... as chairman of the working group;

(4) To designate ................................ as co-ordinator of the sub-group;

(5) To invite:

(a) .......................... to serve as Rapporteur on the Regional Aspects of the Global Observing System;

(b) .......................... to serve as Rapporteur on the Regional Aspects of the Global Data-processing System;

(d) .......................... to serve as Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of Public Weather Services;

(6) To invite Members of the Association to nominate experts to serve on the working group and on the sub-group;

(7) To request the chairman of the working group to submit progress reports at yearly intervals to the president of the Association and a final report not later than six months before the thirteenth session of the Association.


Annex: 1


Note: This resolution replaces Resolution 1 (XII-RA V) which is no longer in force.


Annex to draft Resolution 4.1/1 (XIII-RA V)


The terms of reference for the subgroup and rapporteurs nominated under Resolution 4.1/1 (XIII-RA V) are as follows:

(a) Sub-group on Regional Aspects of the Global Telecommunication System and Data Management

(i) To keep under review the status of implementation and operation the Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network, particularly as regards developments in the capabilities of geostationary satellites for data collection and distribution and formulate recommendations with a view to remedying shortcomings;

(ii) To study problems and develop improved and cost-effective arrangements relating to the exchange of observational data and processed information, both in pictorial and digital form, within Region V and outside it and formulate recommendations for the coordination of the implementation of telecommunication facilities and techniques;

(iii) To keep under review data and information representation, including character and bit-oriented exchange formats and codes and conversion between formats and codes as required;

(iv) To keep under review data and product generation, selection and presentation to recipients (NMCs), including storage and retrieval of data and products and recovery procedures in case of major outages of key faciltities;

(v) To keep abreast of developments in information and telecommunication technology, procedures, services and equipment, including in particular satellite-based telecommunication services, the Internet and related equipment, and to advise on their applicability, as appropriate, to the Region;

(vi) To keep under review and coordinate both real-time and non-real-time monitoring of the WWW Programme in the Region, including quantity and quality aspects;

(vii) To identify the training requirements of Members in the Region relating to relevant information and communication techniques;

(vii) To keep under review the existing regional meteorological codes for Region V and to develop new codes or recommend changes to existing regional codes, as required;

(viii) To advise and report to the chairman of the working group on all matters concerning regional aspects of the Global Telecommunication System and Data Management;

(ix) To represent RA V on the CBS Implementation/Coordination Team on Information Systems and Services.

(b) The Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of the Global Observing System

(i) To review and advise on the observational data requirements of Members of the regional association in the context of the WWW Programme in the Fifth WMO Long-term Plan;

(ii) To review and advise on the design of observing systems in the Region, in particular the Regional Basic Synoptic Network of surface and upper-air stations and the Regional Basic Climatological Network;

(iii) To keep abreast of matters related to the development and introduction of new observing systems and advise on their application in the Region;

(iv) To advise and report to the chairman of the working group on all matters concerning regional aspects of the Global Observing System;

(v) To represent the Region on the CBS Implementation/Coordination Team on Integrated Observing Systems

(c) The Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of the Global Data-processing System

(i) To keep abreast of developments in data-processing equipment and techniques which could be beneficially introduced at national and regional centres to improve their operational capability both within the WWW system and in related areas;

(ii) To formulate recommendations for coordinated implementation of data-processing facilities and techniques at GDPS, GTS and other centres and, if required, for multi-purpose use;

(iii) To identify the training requirements of Members in the Region relating to relevant data processing and forecasting techniques;

(iv) To advise and report to the chairman of the working group on all matters concerning data processing and forecasting activities in the Region;

(v) To represent the Region on the CBS Implementation/Coordination Team on Data Processing and Forecasting Systems.

(d) Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of Public Weather Services

(i) To keep under review the implementation of the Public Weather Services Programme in Region V;

(ii) To advise the chairman of the working group on matters relating to formulation, presentation and dissemination of forecasts and warnings and establishing good relations with the media and the private sector;

(iii) To keep under review education and training requirements related to the Public Weather Services Programme;

(iv) To keep under review, in coordination with the Rapporteur on Regional Aspects of the GDPS, aspects relating to exchange and coordination of hazardous weather information among neighbouring countries;

(v) To represent the Region on the CBS Implementation/Coordination Team on Public Weather Services.