WMO Core Metadata Version 0.2


1-3rd September 2004



Version 0.2 of the WMO CORE Metadata Profile of ISO19115

WMO Core Profile metadata documentation .\documentation\WMO19115_metadata_v0_2.html
WMO Core profile metadata XML schema .\WMO19115_metadata_v0_2.xsd

WMO Core Profile sub-schemas in XML schema

These are all "include"d into the metadata schema as they share the same namespace


The large schema in v0.1 was broken up into modules representing ISO19115 classes in a similar way to GML or ISO19136. All local elents were made global to allow extension and versioning in a similar way to GML, although the abstract classes and substitutionGroups of GML were not used. The style was closely taken from the existing schema to maintain a good degree of backward compatibility.

Except for the ET-IDM3 and 4 additions, almost exactly the same xml structure as v_0.1 results.

The cutDown Schema described below can now be derived directly from the v0.2 metadata schema.

Include code lists
Include basic types
Include MD_DataIdentification Classes
Include MD_ContentInformation Classes
Include CI_Citation Classes
Include MD_Constraints Class
Include MD_ReferenceSystem Class
Include MD_Maintenance Class
Include EX_Extent Class
Include DQ_DataQuality Class
Include MD_Distribution Class
WMO Core profile Code Lists in XML Schema .\WMO19115_CodeLists_v0_2.xsd

XInclude local store for schema

This is "import"ed into the metadata schema as it has a different namespace


This allows links to other XML documents or to extract pieces of other XML documents to be incorporated into the current document

XML Spy project file for version 0.2 .\WMO19115_v0_2.spp

Earlier examples from ETIDM 2 and 3

From Agriculture

This required only an element name change (geograpgicBoundingBox to boundingBox) and an earlier change to the namespace


An early specification of a GRIB set for dissemination

This required only an element name change (geograpgicBoundingBox to boundingBox) and an earlier change to the namespace


From Hydrology

This was submitted for view by Thomas Maurer of the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) in the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). There were some incompatibilities, mostly expecting free strings where enumerated list values were needed from the Codelists schema.



Examples from RosHydromet showing a metadata hierarchy

(see paper http://www.wmo.int/web/www/WDM/ET-IDM-4/Doc-3-1(7).doc)

Data series (Archive TMC) tmc_en.xml
Data series (Federal District) tmc_federal_central_en.xml
Data series (Regions) tmc_region_moscow_en.xml
Dataset tmc_5593760_en.xml
Feature (Station) st_5633680_en.xml
Attribute (Observation parameter) atr_rrr_en.xml


Full WMO Core sample files

(including feature catalogue fragments using the xs:any construct of XSD and the feature catalogue schema)

METAR metadata template xml for version 0.2


.\metar_template_v0_2.doc (for browser problems)

completed SYNOP metadata in xml for version 0.2


.\synop_1_v0_2.doc (for browser problems)

SYNOP metadata template xml for version 0.2


.\synop_template_v0_2.doc (for browser problems)

TAF metadata template xml for version 0.2


.\taf_template_v0_2.doc (for browser problems)


Cut-down schema for alphanumeric data

Word file describing the cut-down schema and examples .\cutdownschema.doc (relevant to version 0.19 to be updated)

cut-down metadata schema documentation

This references most of the schemas in version 0.2 to derive this cut-down schema

earlier word file describing GISC metadata and XInclude usage. .\GISC Metadata.doc

cut-down metadata schema for transport

This references most of the schemas in version 0.2 to derive this cut-down schema

sample cut-down metadata in xml .\cutdown\sample_1_c1.xml


ISO19110 feature catalogue

WMO feature fcatalogue shema documentation .\featurecat\documentation\featureCatalogue.html
sample iso19110 feature catalogue in xml .\featurecat\featurecat.xml

xml schema of iso19110 for wmo alphanumeric data reports

namespace http://www.wmo.ch/web/www/featurecatalogue
