Expert Team on Enhanced Utilisation of Data Communication System

Work programme

(a) Develop recommended practices and technical guidance material for the implementation of data communication facilities (GTS and Internet) at WWW centres, including security aspects, with a view to ensuring efficient and safe operations of information systems;

Reference material: Attachment II-15 of the Manual on the GTS (section 2)

On-line DCST information resources at:


ICM-MTN 2001:

comments: special attention should be given to guidance on implementation of GTS/data-communication systems, Internet access and security measures, at small NMCs (incl. developing countries).

Various meetings (Regions V, II):

Internet-based connections:

Internet-based connections offer advantages to complement or even implement part of the GTS at a limited cost.

There are currently a number of NMCs and RTHs using TCP/IP socket connections via Internet between them, with access list control in each Centre’s routers. This does not provide adequate protection for operational systems, and a much greater level of security is possible by the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPN), with IP Security (IPSec). Requirement to develop guidelines for the implementation of Internet based VPNs as part of the GTS.


(b) Review current and anticipated telecommunication and information system requirements of the WWW and other WMO Programmes that can be effectively met by the Internet;


ICM-MTN 2001:

Comments: Information (Questionnaire) and contributions were sought from NMCs/RTHs on the use of the Internet and procedures for collecting observational reports or bulletins from NMCs, and also for providing (or enabling access to) data and products from RTHs to NMCs. Develop guidance. (This matter is important for smaller centres, esp. developing countries)


(c) Review standard TCP/IP procedures and applications, including new developments (e.g. IPv6) that are relevant to WWW and other WMO programmes requirements, and develop recommended practices;

Reference material: Attachment II-15 of the Manual on the GTS


Comments: Attachment II-15 should be reviewed accordingly; implementation guidance is posted on DCST information resources. Possibility of developing a guide on implementation of TCP/IP procedures and applications on the GTS.


Note: Metadata standards are being developed by the ET on Integrated Data Management

ICM-MTN 2001:

Comments: Guidance on filenaming and procedures for exchanging non-AHL files via FTP on the GTS (and on the Internet). Centres mentioned above will be invited to provide contributions.


ICM-MTN 2001:

Comments: develop more detailed guidance on procedures for batching messages into files. Hiroyuki Ichijo (Japan) developed a questionnaire on this matter that he sent to some RTHs.


Comments: study possible procedures and management mechanisms, taking also into account the outcome of the Inter programme team on future WMO information systems. Last report:



(d) Develop recommendations on coordinated use of the Internet to meet in the relevant short term (1-3 years) requirements of all WMO Programmes and update the Guide on Internet Practices as required.

Reference material: Guide on Internet Practices at:



Comments: Update the guide as required. Review and advise on the use of the Internet, taking also into account the outcome of the Inter programme team on future WMO information systems.

(e) Other matters

ICM-MTN 2001:

To replace the text:

", including the original sequence number(s). The resulting transmission will most likely put the ongoing sequence numbers out of order."


"that sequence numbers fit into the ongoing sequence numbers of outgoing messages."

Comments: the proposal should be reviewed and consolidated, and then submitted to the ICT-ISS meeting (September 2002).


Reference material:


Attachment II-15:

ICM-MTN 2001:

ET-DCST (1999):