dump: *** BUFR Indicator Section (0) *** dump: Signature: 'BUFR' dump: Total Message Length: 591 B dump: BUFR Edition Number: 4 dump: *** BUFR Identification Section (1) *** dump: Length of Section: 22 B dump: Master Table Number: 0 dump: Originating Center: 74 dump: Originating Sub Center: 0 dump: Update Sequence Number: 0 dump: Optional flags: 0x00 [No Optional Section] dump: Data Category: 0 (BUFR table A) dump: International data Sub Category: 0 (C-13) dump: Data Sub Category: 0 (locally defined) dump: Master Table Version: 17 dump: Local Table Version: 0 dump: Year: 2014 dump: Month: 2 dump: Day: 5 dump: Hour: 16 dump: Minute: 21 dump: Second: 0 dump: Local Reserved Data: <> magic-pattern: Fmt=BUFR,Ed=4,MTN=0,OC=74,OSC=0,DC=0,DSC=0,MTV=17,LTV=0,Heading=?????????? used-table-set: WMO 21 dump: *** BUFR Data Description Section (3) *** dump: Length of Section: 9 B dump: Reserved: 0 dump: Number of Data Subsets: 1 dump: Flags: 0x80 [Observed Data, Non-compressed Data] dump: Number of Data Descriptors: 1 dump: Descriptor # 0: 3 07 092 dump: *** BUFR Data Section (4) *** dump: Length of Section: 548 B dump: Reserved: 0 3 00 000 Primary BUFR Sequence Descriptor 3 07 092 (BUFR template for surface observations from n-minute period with national and WMO station identification) 3 01 089 (National station identification) 0 01 101 State identifier DataWidth: 10 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 01 102 National station number DataWidth: 30 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 3 01 090 (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates) 3 01 004 (Surface station identification) 0 01 001 WMO block number DataWidth: 7 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 01 002 WMO station number DataWidth: 10 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 01 015 Station or site name DataWidth: 160 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 001 Type of station DataWidth: 2 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 3 01 011 (Year, month, day) 0 04 001 Year DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 04 002 Month DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 04 003 Day DataWidth: 6 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 3 01 012 (Hour, minute) 0 04 004 Hour DataWidth: 5 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 04 005 Minute DataWidth: 6 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 3 01 021 (Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)) 0 05 001 Latitude (high accuracy) DataWidth: 25 Scale: 5 Reference: -9000000 0 06 001 Longitude (high accuracy) DataWidth: 26 Scale: 5 Reference: -18000000 0 07 030 Height of station ground above mean sea level DataWidth: 17 Scale: 1 Reference: -4000 0 07 031 Height of barometer above mean sea level DataWidth: 17 Scale: 1 Reference: -4000 0 03 001 Surface station type DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) DataWidth: 5 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 3 01 091 (Surface station instrumentation) 0 02 180 Main present weather detecting system DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 181 Supplementary present weather sensor DataWidth: 21 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 182 Visibility measurement system DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 183 Cloud detection system DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 184 Type of lightning detection sensor DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 179 Type of sky condition algorithm DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 186 Capability to detect precipitation phenomena DataWidth: 30 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 187 Capability to detect other weather phenomena DataWidth: 18 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 188 Capability to detect obscuration DataWidth: 21 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 189 Capability to discriminate lightning strikes DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 04 015 Time increment DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: -2048 0 04 065 Short time increment DataWidth: 8 Scale: 0 Reference: -128 1 33 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 33 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 0 10 004 [Pressure] DataWidth: 14 Scale: -1 Reference: 0 1 03 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 070 (Wind data) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface DataWidth: 12 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 0 11 001 Wind direction DataWidth: 9 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 11 002 Wind speed DataWidth: 12 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 0 11 043 Maximum wind gust direction DataWidth: 9 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 11 041 Maximum wind gust speed DataWidth: 12 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 0 11 016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind DataWidth: 9 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 11 017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind DataWidth: 9 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 3 01 130 (Temperature and humidity instrumentation) 0 03 002 Generic type of humidity instrument DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 03 003 Configuration of sensors [Configuration of Sensors] DataWidth: 3 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 03 004 Type of Shield or Screen DataWidth: 5 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 03 005 Horiznotal Width of Screen or Shield (x) [Horizontal Width of Screen or Shield (x)] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 03 006 Horiznotal Depth of Screen or Shield (y) [Horizontal Depth of Screen or Shield (y)] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 03 007 Vertical Height of Screen or Shield (z) DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 03 008 Aritifically Ventilaed Screen or Shield [Artificially Ventilated Screen or Shield] DataWidth: 3 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 03 009 Degree of Forced Ventilation at time of reading DataWidth: 16 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 0 33 003 Quality of humidity measurement [Quality information] DataWidth: 3 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 3 02 072 (Temperature and humidity data) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface DataWidth: 12 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 0 12 101 Temperature/air temperature DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 12 103 Dewpoint temperature DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 13 003 Relative humidity DataWidth: 7 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 1 03 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 0 07 032 [Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 08 010 [Surface qualifier (for temperature data)] DataWidth: 5 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 12 120 [Ground temperature] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 07 032 [Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 08 010 [Surface qualifier (for temperature data)] DataWidth: 5 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 1 03 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 1 01 005 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 5 TIME(S) 3 07 063 (Depth below land surface and soil temperature) 0 07 061 Depth below land surface DataWidth: 14 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 12 130 Soil temperature DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 07 061 [Depth below land surface] DataWidth: 14 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 069 (Visibility data) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface DataWidth: 12 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 0 33 041 Attribute of following value DataWidth: 2 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 001 Horizontal visibility DataWidth: 13 Scale: -1 Reference: 0 0 07 032 [Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 07 033 [Height of sensor above water surface] DataWidth: 12 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 073 (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) DataWidth: 7 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 1 05 004 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) 0 08 002 [Vertical significance (surface observations)] DataWidth: 6 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 011 [Cloud amount] DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 012 [Cloud type] DataWidth: 6 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 33 041 [Attribute of following value] DataWidth: 2 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 013 [Height of base of cloud] DataWidth: 11 Scale: -1 Reference: -40 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 076 (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation DataWidth: 30 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 022 Character of precipitation DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation DataWidth: 11 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena DataWidth: 18 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena DataWidth: 3 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 025 Obscuration DataWidth: 21 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 026 Character of obscuration DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 1 02 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 0 13 155 [Intensity of precipitation (high accuracy)] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 5 Reference: -1 0 13 058 [Size of precipitating element] DataWidth: 7 Scale: 4 Reference: 0 1 02 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 0 20 031 [Ice deposit (thickness)] DataWidth: 7 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 20 032 [Rate of ice accretion (estimated)] DataWidth: 3 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 078 (State of ground and snow depth measurement) 0 02 176 Method of state of ground measurement DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 20 062 State of the ground (with or without snow) DataWidth: 5 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 177 Method of snow depth measurement DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 13 013 Total snow depth DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: -2 1 02 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 079 (Precipitation measurement) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 02 175 Method of precipitation measurement DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 02 178 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 04 025 Time period or displacement DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: -2048 0 13 011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent DataWidth: 14 Scale: 1 Reference: -1 0 07 032 [Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)] DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 080 (Evaporation measurement) 0 02 185 Method of evaporation measurement DataWidth: 4 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 04 025 Time period or displacement DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: -2048 0 13 033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration DataWidth: 10 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 081 (Total sunshine data) 0 04 025 Time period or displacement DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: -2048 0 14 031 Total sunshine DataWidth: 11 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 082 (Radiation data) 0 04 025 Time period or displacement DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: -2048 0 14 002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified DataWidth: 17 Scale: -3 Reference: -65536 0 14 004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified DataWidth: 17 Scale: -3 Reference: -65536 0 14 016 Net radiation, integrated over period specified DataWidth: 15 Scale: -4 Reference: -16384 0 14 028 Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified DataWidth: 20 Scale: -2 Reference: 0 0 14 029 Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified DataWidth: 20 Scale: -2 Reference: 0 0 14 030 Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified DataWidth: 20 Scale: -2 Reference: 0 1 02 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 0 04 025 [Time period or displacement] DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: -2048 0 13 059 [Number of flashes (thunderstorm)] DataWidth: 7 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 1 01 000 REPLICATION OPERATOR OF 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) (DELAYED) 3 02 083 (First-order statistics of P, W, T, U data) 0 04 025 Time period or displacement DataWidth: 12 Scale: 0 Reference: -2048 0 08 023 First-order statistics DataWidth: 6 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 10 004 Pressure DataWidth: 14 Scale: -1 Reference: 0 0 11 001 Wind direction DataWidth: 9 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 11 002 Wind speed DataWidth: 12 Scale: 1 Reference: 0 0 12 101 Temperature/air temperature DataWidth: 16 Scale: 2 Reference: 0 0 13 003 Relative humidity DataWidth: 7 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 08 023 First-order statistics DataWidth: 6 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 33 005 Quality information (AWS data) DataWidth: 30 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 0 33 006 Internal measurement status information (AWS) DataWidth: 3 Scale: 0 Reference: 0 dump: *** Data Subset #1 *** 3 00 000 Sequence: Primary BUFR Sequence Descriptor 3 07 092 Sequence: (BUFR template for surface observations from n-minute period with national and WMO station identification) 3 01 089 Sequence: (National station identification) 0 01 101 State identifier = 649 [Code table] 0 01 102 National station number = 14789 [Numeric] 3 01 090 Sequence: (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical coordinates) 3 01 004 Sequence: (Surface station identification) 0 01 001 WMO block number = 99 [Numeric] 0 01 002 WMO station number = MISSING [Numeric] 0 01 015 Station or site name = ZZ Eckington 1 & 2 [CCITT IA5] 0 02 001 Type of station = 1 [Code table] 3 01 011 Sequence: (Year, month, day) 0 04 001 Year = 2014 [Year] 0 04 002 Month = 2 [Month] 0 04 003 Day = 5 [Day] 3 01 012 Sequence: (Hour, minute) 0 04 004 Hour = 16 [Hour] 0 04 005 Minute = 21 [Minute] 3 01 021 Sequence: (Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)) 0 05 001 Latitude (high accuracy) = 53.313000 [deg] 0 06 001 Longitude (high accuracy) = -1.346000 [deg] 0 07 030 Height of station ground above mean sea level = 0.000000 [m] 0 07 031 Height of barometer above mean sea level = 102.000000 [m] 0 03 001 Surface station type = MISSING [Code table] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 3 01 091 Sequence: (Surface station instrumentation) 0 02 180 Main present weather detecting system = MISSING [Code table] 0 02 181 Supplementary present weather sensor = MISSING [Flag table] 0 02 182 Visibility measurement system = 3 [Code table] 0 02 183 Cloud detection system = 1 [Code table] 0 02 184 Type of lightning detection sensor = MISSING [Code table] 0 02 179 Type of sky condition algorithm = 14 [Code table] 0 02 186 Capability to detect precipitation phenomena = 1053360128 [Flag table] 0 02 187 Capability to detect other weather phenomena = 65664 [Flag table] 0 02 188 Capability to detect obscuration = 1074432 [Flag table] 0 02 189 Capability to discriminate lightning strikes = MISSING [Flag table] 0 04 015 Time increment = -10 [Minute] 0 04 065 Short time increment = 1 [Minute] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 12 DESCRIPTOR(S) 10 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = 13 [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #2 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = 13 [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #3 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #4 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.270000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #5 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 275.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = 13 [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #6 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 275.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #7 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 275.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = 13 [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 160 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #8 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 275.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = 13 [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #9 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 275.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = 13 [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) Replication #10 0 10 004 Pressure = 101170 [Pa] REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 001 of 3 DESCRIPTOR(S) 2 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 12 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 275.550000 [K] Replication #2 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = 3 [Code table] 0 12 120 Ground temperature = 291.350000 [K] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 08 010 Surface qualifier (for temperature data) = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] 0 07 033 Height of sensor above water surface = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 073 Sequence: (Cloud data) 0 20 010 Cloud cover (total) = 75 [%] REPLICATION 0 00 000 of 5 DESCRIPTOR(S) 4 TIME(S) Replication #1 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 21 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 150 [m] Replication #2 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 22 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 300 [m] Replication #3 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = 23 [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = 0 [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = 3050 [m] Replication #4 0 08 002 Vertical significance (surface observations) = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 011 Cloud amount = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 012 Cloud type = MISSING [Code table] 0 33 041 Attribute of following value = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 013 Height of base of cloud = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 076 Sequence: (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena) 0 20 021 Type of precipitation = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 022 Character of precipitation = 0 [Code table] 0 26 020 Duration of precipitation = 0 [Minute] 0 20 023 Other weather phenomena = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 024 Intensity of phenomena = 0 [Code table] 0 20 025 Obscuration = MISSING [Flag table] 0 20 026 Character of obscuration = MISSING [Code table] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 078 Sequence: (State of ground and snow depth measurement) 0 02 176 Method of state of ground measurement = MISSING [Code table] 0 20 062 State of the ground (with or without snow) = MISSING [Code table] 0 02 177 Method of snow depth measurement = 1 [Code table] 0 13 013 Total snow depth = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 1 TIME(S) Replication #1 3 02 079 Sequence: (Precipitation measurement) 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = 0.300000 [m] 0 02 175 Method of precipitation measurement = 1 [Code table] 0 02 178 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation = MISSING [Code table] 0 04 025 Time period or displacement = 10 [Minute] 0 13 011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent = 0.200000 [kg m-2] 0 07 032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) = MISSING [m] REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 2 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) REPLICATION 0 31 000 of 1 DESCRIPTOR(S) 0 TIME(S) 0 33 005 Quality information (AWS data) = MISSING [Flag table] 0 33 006 Internal measurement status information (AWS) = MISSING [Code table] BUFR FINISHED (591B)