Weather  Climate  Water


The 4th China International Exhibition on
Technology and Equipment of
Meteorology Science and Hydrology 


The 6th China International Conference and Exhibition
on Lightning Protection Technology & Equipment

Guangzhou, 23-25 November 2007 


The 4th China International Exhibition on Technology and Equipment of Meteorology Science and Hydrology will be held together with the 6th China International Conference and Exhibition on Lightning Protection Technology & Equipment and the Annual Conference of the Chinese Meteorological Society 2007.

This exhibition is sponsored by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and the Chinese Meteorological Society (CMS), and is co-sponsored by WMO.

For enquiries, information and to book exhibition space please contact:
Chris Wang, Project Manager, The Organizing Committee of the Exhibition

Detailed information












Web Editor Sary Vargas, 3 Aug 2005.