subjects. Instrument experts from National Meteorological and
Hydrological Services, research institutes and the private sector
will address the following:
developments and operational experience with surface as well as
upper-air observation technology;
management, calibration, testing and comparison of instruments
and observing systems; and
transfer, capacity building, training and development of
Regional Instrument Centres.
Provided sufficient extra-budgetary funds would be made
available, simultaneous
interpretation could be provided in English, French, Russian and
All information concerning TECO 2005 and METEOREX 2005 will be made
available through the WMO CIMO/IMOP website.
and posters. The deadline for submission of the
selected papers and posters, as well as instructions on their format will be
provided in the Letter of Acceptance to be sent to authors in
November 2004. Papers accepted for presentation will be published in
the original form (without editing) under a "WMO Instruments and
Observing Methods Report Series", on CD-ROM, and prior to TECO 2005.
of proposed papers not exceeding half a page and drafted in English
only should be sent to WMO Secretariat not later than 15
September 2004, using the electronic version of the Submission
Form, and via e-mail attachment, to the attention of Dr Miroslav
Ondras. |