For more than 230 years the Hohenpeissenberg Meteorological Observatory (MOHp) has been a permanent observing site in a rural landscape with the main focus on meteorological observations and, more recently, on precipitation processes, ozone and atmospheric composition. Mount Hoher Peissenberg is the most noteworthy elevation (989 m a.s.l.) of the Bavarian pre-alpine plateau north of the Alps. It overlooks the surrounding landscapes lying about 350 m below it. Monthly mean temperatures (1961 to 1990) vary between minus 1.6 °C (January) and plus 15 °C (July), while the mean annual precipitation (1961 to 1990) is about 1200 mm. Starting observations in 1781 the observatory holds the longest temperature time series of a mountain station world-wide. Since the late 1960s main research topics are:
• ozone research,
• atmospheric composition (trace species and aerosol measurements), and
• radar meteorology focusing on precipitation processes.
The observatory:
• is a climate reference site of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD),
• operates a 24/7 WMO class I weather station including routine radio soundings and ozone,
soundings two times (May to Oct) and three times (Nov to Apr) a week,
• is a Global Station within the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) program (since 1994),
• is host of the Dobson Calibration Centre for the RA VI (since 1999),
• is an NDACC (since 1994), NDMC (since 2004) and AERONET station (since 2013), and
• is an EARLINET station since 2015