WWW > IMOP > Testbeds and Lead Centres
WMO-CIMO Testbed for Cryosphere and Precipitation (Sodankylä, Finland)
General Site Information

The testbed is an observatory affiliated to the Arctic Space Centre at Sodankylä (FMI-ASC). FMI-ASC has an exceptionally versatile monitoring program and consequently participates in many observational networks including:
• WMO coordinated GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch)
• GCW (Global Cryosphere Watch)
• GRUAN (Global Reference Upper Air Network)
• SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) and radio/ozone sonde networks
• NDACC (Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change)
• TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network)
• SPICE (WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment)


FMI-ASC has a long history for accepting visiting instruments and has decades of experience of hosting the arctic campaigns especially in the frame of EU, ESA and EUMETSAT projects. At present, FMI-ASC executes ground-based observation program serving:
• Operational weather forecasting
• Atmospheric research
• Internationally competitive arctic global change research programme
• Competent technical development and supportive functions
• Satellite data receiving, processing and archiving functions.

Testbed location: 67.36380 °N; 26.63040 °E
Climate Type: Dfc (continental subarctic climate)
Contact person: Mr Timo Ryyppö
Email: timo.ryyppo@fmi.fi
Address: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Arctic Space Centre
Tähteläntie 62
99600 Sodankylä, Finland
Tel: +358-50-5737-009
Website: http://fmiarc.fmi.fi
Further Information


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