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RIC at Toulouse, France (Region VI)

(Information on this webpage is based on the latest report from the RIC.
Please refer to the RIC's website for the latest information.)
General Information
Address:METEO FRANCE, Batiment Emilie du Châtelet, 42 avenue Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse, France
Contact person: Françoise MONTARIOL
Email: Francoise.montariol@meteo.fr
Tel: +33 5 61 07 91 50
Calibration capabilities: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure
Specific Information on instrument calibration capabilities
Instrument Undergoing Calibration
Calibration Range
Reference standard, Equipment
Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC)*
Traceability of Reference equipment
Last standard calibration date
Calibration body

Platinum resistance thermometers

-25 to 50 °C

Primary standard SPRT 25 Ω (ASL CTP5000-T25B), two liquid baths with equilization block (HETO KB23R and Isotech 915L), two resistance bridges (ASL F17A and MicroK800)

25 mK

February 2018 (SPRT 25 Ω)

March 2018 (MicroK800 bridge)

June 2018  (ASL F17A bridge)

French National Laboratory - LNE

Platinum resistance thermometers

-20 to 40 °C

Three secondary SPRTs 100 Ω (ASL CTP5000-850BU, CLAL TLH600 and Isotech 95L), two liquid baths with equilization block (HETO KB23R and Isotech 915L), two resistance bridges (ASL F17A and MicroK800)

34 mK

March 2018  (all SPRTs 100 Ω)

March 2018 (MicroK800 bridge)

June 2018  (ASL F17A bridge)

Laboratory of Meteo-France (SPRTs 100 Ω)

French National Laboratory - LNE (for resistance bridges)

Status of accreditation (date of the latest accreditation):
Link to the accreditation certificate:
Accreditation body:
Relative Humidity
Instrument Undergoing Calibration
Calibration Range
Reference standard, Equipment
Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC)*
Traceability of Reference equipment
Last standard calibration date
Calibration body

Relative humidity capacitance hygrometers

11 to 97 %RH

Three relative humidity standard capacitance hygrometers (two Vaisala HMT333, one Rotronic HC2-S) and humidity generator HMK13B with five different saturated salt solutions

2.1 %RH

March 2018 (one hygrometer)

August 2018 (two hygrometers)

French National Laboratory - CETIAT

Status of accreditation (date of the latest accreditation):
Link to the accreditation certificate:
Accreditation body:
Atmospheric Pressure
Instrument Undergoing Calibration
Calibration Range
Reference standard, Equipment
Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC)*
Traceability of Reference equipment
Last standard calibration date
Calibration body

Digital barometers

500 to 1060 hPa

   Primary standard high quartz digital barometer (Fluke RPM4), two pressure generators (Mensor CPC8000)

7.0 Pa

October 2018

French National Laboratory - LNE

Digital barometers

500 to 1060 hPa

Three secondary standard quartz digital barometers (Fluke RPM3, FGP), two pressure generators (Mensor CPC8000)

8.5 Pa

October 2018

Laboratory of Meteo-France

Status of accreditation (date of the latest accreditation):
Link to the accreditation certificate
Accreditation body:

* A CMC (calibration and measurement capability) is the smallest uncertainty (k=2) of measurement that can be expected to be achieved by the RIC during a calibration under normal conditions. This CMC is evaluated by the RIC itself and described in the scope of accreditation of the RIC, if available.

Further Information



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