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The purpose of this project is to "Review and report on uses made of various workstations in NMHSs including such items as the costs of software and support, the data used and formats of this data. Identify areas of potential collaboration and standardisation."

Using a questionnaire (see Annex B), I have gathered information from a number of NMS’s, the countries who sent back questionnaires are detailed in Annex C. I have analysed this information in order to find out the use of Forecaster Workstations around the world. The cost of the systems including hidden cost such, as supports are the reasons why some countries have not or cannot invest in such systems. For the purpose of this report a ‘Forecaster Workstation System’ is defined as any computer system that is dedicated to the display and manipulation of meteorological data for the purpose of producing a weather forecast.

The questionnaire was completed by a total of 60 countries, some countries submitted more than one completed questionnaire as they had more than one system; the total number being 73, all of which have been used in this report. Of the 60 countries who returned questionnaires 50 have Forecaster Workstation Systems


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