Tokyo, Japan, 19-23 June 2000


Executive summary

The meeting of the Team reviewed preliminary findings of the quality of amounts of precipitation in synoptic reports. To address shortcomings identified in accounting for correct accumulation of precipitation amounts reported over a 24 hour period It noted the importance of availability of precipitation for the preceding 6 hours and recommended mandatory reporting of precipitation and zero measured precipitation.

As a result of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) offer, the meeting recommended that The (GPCC) be recognized as the global centre for quality monitoring of precipitation. GPCC should provide the results of their monthly precipitation monitoring to the Lead Centres for surface data monitoring for their use in developing 6-monthly consolidated reports.

The Team considered that verification of precipitation including snow depth in the short- and medium-range would, for the time being, continue to be an area of research and development and should remain under the auspices of WGNE and GCOS/AOPC. It further noted that other surface weather forecast elements such as wind and temperature are tailored for national users by using MOS/PPM procedures to correct for local effects. Their verification requires a high density observation network that is available only at a national level. The Team therefore recommended that all GDPS centres make their results from verification of surface weather elements available to users on their web site.

The Team reviewed the current draft standard verification system (SVS) for long-range forecasts, with a view to adopting from these SVS proposals the relevant aspects of the procedures, which may be used to enhance the verification and forecast surface elements in the short and medium-range. It was noted that for reasons above, this did not appear feasible at this time

The Team reviewed current procedures in the Manual of GDPS and recommended the addition of standards for the monitoring of geopotential height from surface observations. It was also agreed to include general guidance reflecting GPCC procedures for precipitation quality monitoring under section of the guide on the GDPS. It also recommends that the Lead Centres for the other types of observations be invited to develop and complete procedures and formats for the exchange of monitoring results for inclusion in the Manual of the GDPS, in accordance with provisions of Attachment II.8 paragraph 1.1.


1.1 At the kind invitation of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the meeting of the CBS Expert Team to review and fine-tune methods used in the land surface data quality monitoring by lead centres and the exchange of results, chaired by Dr Nobuo Sato (Japan), was held in the JMA Headquarters in Tokyo from 19 to 23 June 2000. Mr Koji Yamamoto, Permanent Representative of Japan with WMO and Director General of JMA opened the meeting. Mr Yamamoto welcomed the participants to the meeting and recognized that the activities of the CBS expert teams have contributed to expedite the progress of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs). He noted that quality monitoring is an integral part of global data processing systems and that observational data of high quality are essential in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) as well as in the monitoring and detection of climate change and that JMA has been a lead centre of land surface data quality monitoring in Region II. He expressed his conviction that the endeavour of CBS to assure the quality of land surface observation data will lead to the improvement of the weather, climate and environment predictions.

1.2 Mr Morrison Mlaki, on behalf of Professor G.O.P. Obasi, Secretary General of WMO, thanked Mr Yamamoto for guidance provided to the meeting in his opening address and JMA for hosting the meeting. He expressed his appreciation to the chairman and members of the Team for their efforts in the work of the Team and the efforts they will devote during the week to assure relevant outcome and deliverables to meet CBS expectations. He noted that one deliverable expected of the Team was reporting on feasibility to add quality control of precipitation to existing monitoring of land surface observations. He further noted that other related issues focus on additional standardised quality monitoring of surface data elements, forecast verification and procedures for exchange of results, mainly in anticipation of requirements for increased monitoring and prediction of severe weather events.



2.1 The Agenda of the meeting, as adopted by the meeting, is given in Appendix I. It agreed on its working arrangements and the list of participants is given in Appendix II.



3.1 Preliminary findings of the quality of amounts of precipitation in synoptic reports were presented. This used an accounting method to derive, if logically possible, 6-, 12- and 24-hour amounts from reported amounts, including 18-hour ones, and possibly to infer any of these amounts, if a whole synoptic report were missing. It was then possible to sum these amounts over a period, such as a month, so that an assessment of the consistency of reporting could be made.

3.2 One principal result was that an ambiguity in distinguishing whether the single digit indicator for amounts of 0.0mm refers to a period of 6 or 12 hours does occur and may only be resolved by a decoder with explicit knowledge of reporting practices. The use of tR =0 as an indicator for a 12-hour amount requires complex conditional processing, which is still not completely exclusive when used in the accounting method. The rounding of reported amounts above 1mm in the 6-groups in Sections 1 and 3 of the SYNOP report and code figures for those below 1mm, in contrast to intervals of 0.1mm for 24-hour amounts in the 7-group in section 3, require a fairly large criterion of 3mm for comparing computed totals and 24-hour reported amounts and may also lead to their use in the coding of the 7-group.

3.3 These results and the fact that it is impossible to extract or infer a 6-hour amount from many countries in one particular Region, because the Regional reporting practices only require 12-hour amounts, limit redundancy, which is very desirable for any reliable quality control. Various options for improving the redundancy in and quality of reported amounts were described. An increase of the number of reported 6-hour amounts would be the most desirable of the three most common reported amounts, and an associated increase in 24-hour ones, including those of 0.0mm, would also improve redundancy.

3.4 To address shortcomings identified in accounting for correct accumulation of precipitation amounts reported over a 24 hour period, in accordance with the current variety of applications of global procedures and different regional reporting practices, the meeting considered the possibility of standardising global procedures to make the reporting of precipitation for the preceding 6 hours mandatory at all four main synoptic hours 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC. This would however entail changes to current global reporting procedures and changes to agreed regional reporting practices in most regions. The meeting therefore considered and recommended other approaches that involve only minor changes in global procedures and regional reporting practices and an insignificant increase in data volume exchanged and which are efficient with respect to correct accounting of accumulated precipitation amounts.

3.5 The meeting noted the following main reasons as to why availability of precipitation for the preceding 6 hours was of importance to data processing and forecasting activities and as to why six-hourly rather than 12-hourly or daily precipitation is a minimum requirement in various fields of meteorology and hydrology :

3.6 Noting and considering the above discussions the team recommends that:

3.7 The Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), operated by DWD, Offenbach, is a component of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) within the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and provides global precipitation data based on observations for use in verification of global climate models, investigation of climate anomalies (ENSO) and determination of the earth’s water balance.

3.8 The activities of the GPCC extend from collection of world-wide precipitation data, quality-control (QC) and correction of conventionally measured data, calculation of gridded area-mean monthly precipitation totals from conventionally measured data for the earth’s surface, error assessment on the grid with respect to systematic measuring errors, stochastic errors and sampling errors in area-mean, combination of raingauge-observed and satellite-based estimates to the dissemination of the gridded products.

3.9 The meeting noted with appreciation the offer of the GPCC to provide the results of global precipitation monitoring to the WMO Regional Lead Centres for Land Surface Data Quality Monitoring. The detailed GPCC monitoring procedures are given in the annex to this paragraph. As a result of the GPCC offer the meeting recommended that:



4.1 The meeting reviewed the current provisions in the Manual and the Guide. It noted with appreciation the proposal made by Dr M. Ondráš and Dr I. Zahumemský, Slovakia and commended them for the extensive work and recommended adoption of corrections and additions proposed to be included in the current guidance on surface data quality monitoring methods for surface weather elements, as contained in the Guide on the GDPS. The proposed updates are given in the annex to this paragraph. The Team agreed to provide any feedback on the final agreement at the latest by 7 August 2000 following which a supplement to the guide would be issued.

4.2 In the light of its recommendation that the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) be recognized as a global centre for quality of precipitation monitoring, the Team entrusted one of its members to develop general guidance reflecting GPCC procedures for precipitation quality monitoring, with relevant reference to their operational procedure publications, to be included under section of the guide on the GDPS.



5.1 The team noted a precipitation verification project undertaken by WGNE, in which daily precipitation amounts predicted by several operational global models were compared with observed precipitation from dense national raingauge and weather radar networks by three NWP centres (DWD, BMRC and NCEP). The verification results are not made public because they are still considered preliminary and the techniques are still being refined.

5.2 The team also noted a GCOS/AOPC project on the intercomparison of global snow depth analyses. It was shown that there were still marked differences in the three analyses from JMA, CMC and DWD, in particular over the Eurasian continent. The differences were attributed to the in-situ snow depth reports received and utilized at those centres, guess fields and spatial scale of smoothing in the analysis scheme. The results showed that using those analyses as a first guess would be difficult and prediction of snow depth would be more difficult.

5.3 The Team considered that verification of precipitation including snow depth in the short- and medium-range would, for the time being, continue to be an area of research and development and should remain under the auspices of WGNE and GCOS/AOPC. It further noted that other surface weather forecast elements such as wind and temperature are tailored for national users by using MOS/PPM procedures to correct for local effects. Their verification requires a high density observation network that is available only at a national level. The Team therefore recommended that all GDPS centres make their results from verification of surface weather elements available to users on their web site.

5.4 The Team recommended that with respect to verification of precipitation, including snow depth, CBS should consider operational implementation of the activity in the light of research results and future availability of more accurate operational remotely sensed data and increased exchange of in-situ data or if WGNE prematurely discontinues precipitation verification.

5.5 The Team reviewed the current draft standard verification system (SVS) for long-range forecasts, with a view to adopting from these SVS proposals the relevant aspects of the procedures, which may be used to enhance the verification and forecast surface elements in the short and medium-range. It was noted that for reasons above, this did not appear feasible at this time. Some members of the Team expressed reservations on the use of the sparse GSN network for verification in lieu of a denser network and also felt that care should be taken in using precipitation from re-analysis data in verification.



6.1 Methods used by the Lead Centres to exchange current monthly and 6-monthly surface quality monitoring reports will be used for the exchange of precipitation quality monitoring results in co-operation with GPCC.

6.2 The Team reviewed current procedures in the Manual of GDPS and recommended the addition of standards for the monitoring of geopotential height from surface observations. It was also agreed to include general guidance reflecting GPCC procedures for precipitation quality monitoring under section of the guide on the GDPS as indicated in paragraph 4.2 above.

6.3 The Team recommends that the Lead Centres for the other types of observations be invited to develop and complete procedures and formats for the exchange of monitoring results for inclusion in the Manual of the GDPS, in accordance with provisions of Attachment II.8 paragraph 1.1.



7.1 The meeting was closed on Friday 23 June 2000.


Annex to paragraph 3.9

Monitoring of Precipitation Data on Global Scale at GPCC

The QC procedures are done in different steps: after a pre-check of recorded locations and station identifiers, individual preliminary checks of the precipitation data are performed. This implies primary data of about 1500 CLIMAT reports and about 5000 SYNOP reports processed at DWD, and about 6000 SYNOP reports from NCEP, Washington, processed at its Climate Prediction Center (CPC). Additional secondary data, such as historical data, regional data and national data from NMHSs are also taken into account. All these data are subject to automatic correction of typical typing and encoding errors using full SYNOP information, gap-filling and statistical and visual QC using quintiles. After these checks all data are merged into the precipitation PDB (Point Data Base) of GPCC.

The final QC is performed in two steps: the automatic part comprises the selection of the ‘best value’ for each station according to the pre-check, calculation of gridded area-means for selected data (first guess) and correction of ‘bad data’ (typographical errors) if possible. The next steps are the check and correction of positional errors, selection of a ‘best value’ of all available sources for suspect stations, check of consistency in space and against climatology and finally a crosscheck of data of different sources.

The visual check of suspect data comprises the consideration of topography in the vicinity of suspect stations using a workstation-based visualization system and a final classification of suspect data as correct or wrong and correctable or uncorrectable.

The most frequently detected problems are errors of position and/or elevation in the station database, unknown or incorrect time interval indicators tR, inconsistently interlocked precipitation data, for example the 6-hour precipitation amount larger than the 12-hour one, precipitation amount of ‘0 mm’ instead of ‘not available’, format errors within FM12 code, contradictory SYNOP and CLIMAT reports and any kind of typographical errors.

The final product after QC procedures is the calculation of gridded area-means based on the corrected data-set.

The reasons for this extensive multi-stage full quality-control procedure, including manual intervention and visual revision, of monthly precipitation are:


Annex to paragraph 4.1

Proposed updates to the Guide on the GDPS

Quality Control Procedures


red colour / bold-underlined: an error in algorithms in our original proposal

blues colour / underlined: new additions to the algorithms

green colour / bold face: a formal change in algorithms (more explicit)


Table 6.2.1
Fixed limits for parameters in coded form (in case of indicator ix = 1 - 4)
(The parameters are considered to be erroneous outside the limits.
The denotations are the same as those used in the Manual on Codes, WMO-No. 306)

Valid parameter intervals

Valid parameter intervals

0 £ h £ 9 and /
00 £ VV £ 50 or 56 £ VV £ 99
0 £ N £ 9 and /
0 £ a £ 8
00 £ ww £ 99
0 £ W1 £ 9 and /
0 £ W2 £ 9 and /
0 £ Nh £ 9 and /
0 £ CL £ 9 and /
0 £ CM £ 9 and /
0 £ CH £ 9 and /
00 £ dd £ 36 and 99
00 £ ff £ 99
sn = 0, 1, /, 9
iR = 0 – 4
ix = 1 - 7
00 £ PwPw £ 99 and //
00 £ HwHw £ 99 and //
00 £ dwdw £ 36 and 99
0 £ E £ 9 and /
0 £ E’ £ 9
0 £ S £ 9
0 £ Ns £ 9
0 £ C £ 9 and /
00 £ hshs £ 50 or 56 £ hshs £ 99
0 £ Ds £ 9 and /
0 £ vs £ 9 and /


Table 6.2.2
Fixed limits for parameters in coded form (in case of indicator ix = 5 - 7)
(The parameters are considered to be erroneous outside the limits.
The denotations are the same as those used in the Manual on Codes, WMO-No. 306)

Valid parameter intervals

Valid parameter intervals

0 £ h £ 9 and /
00 £ VV £ 50 or 56 £ VV £ 99 or //
0 £ N £ 9 and /
0 £ a £ 8 and /
00 £ ww £ 05 or 10 £ ww £ 12 or
18 £ ww £ 35 or 40 £ ww £ 99 and//
0 £ W1 £ 9 and /
0 £ W2 £ 9 and /
0 £ Nh £ 9 and /
0 £ CL £ 9 and /
0 £ CM £ 9 and /
0 £ CH £ 9 and /
00 £ dd £ 36 and 99
00 £ ff £ 99
sn = 0, 1, /, 9
iR = 0 - 4
ix = 5 - 7
00 £ PwPw £ 99 and //
00 £ HwHw £ 99 and //
00 £ dwdw £ 36 and 99 and //
0 £ E £ 9 and /
0 £ E’ £ 9 and /
0 £ S £ 9 and /
0 £ Ns £ 9 and /
0 £ C £ 9 and /
00 £ hshs £ 50 or 56 £ hshs £ 99 or //
00 £ Ds £ 9 and /

(in case of indicator ix = 1 - 4)

The different parameters in SYNOP reports are checked against each other. In the description below, the suggested checking algorithms have been divided into areas where the physical parameters are closely connected:

(a) Wind dd/ff

The wind information is considered to be erroneous in the following cases:

dd = 00 and ff ¹ 00;
dd ¹ 00 and ff = 00;
dd = 99 and ff = 00 or ff ³ 05ms-1;

(b) Visibility VV and weather ww

The values for visibility and weather are considered suspect when:

42 £ ww £ 49 and {10 £ VV £ 89 or 94 £ VV £ 99};
ww = 10 and {00 £ VV £ 09 or 90 £ VV £ 93};
VV < 10 and {ww < 04 or ww = 05 or 10 £ ww £ 16 or 20 £ ww £ 29 or ww = 40};
{VV < 60 or 90 £ VV £ 96} and ww £ 03;
{60 £ VV £ 89 or 97 £ VV £ 99} and {04 £ ww £ 07 or 38 £ ww £ 39};
{ww = 11 or ww = 12 or ww = 28 or ww = 40} and {00 £ VV £ 09 or 90 £ VV £ 93};

(c) Visibility VV and cloud information

The values for visibility and cloud cover are considered suspect when:

0 £ h £ 1 and {70 £ VV £ 89 or 98 £ VV £ 99};

(d) Cloud information

The values for cloud cover are considered erroneous when:

N < Nh;

Nh = 0 and {CL ¹ 0 or CM ¹ 0 or h ¹ 9};
1 £ Nh £ 8 and {CL = 0 and CM = 0};
Nh = 9 and {CL ³ 0 or CM ³ 0 or CH ³ 0};
Nh = 9 and h ³ 0;
N = 0 and {CH > 0 or CM > 0 or CL > 0};
N ³ 1 and Nh = 0 and CH = 0;

1 £ N £ 8 and Nh = /;

1 £ Nh £ 8 and {CL = 0 and CM = 0 or CL = /};
{Nh = 8 and 1 £ CL £ 9} and {CM ³ 0 or CH ³ 0};
Nh = 8 and CL = 0 and CH ³ 0;
Nh = 0 and {CH = / or CH = 0};
0 < N < 9 and Nh = CL = CM = CH = 0;
N = 0 and h ¹ 9;
N = 9 and h ¹ /;
N = 9 and 0 £ Nh £ 8;
N = 9 and Ns ¹ 9;
CL = 0 and CH = 0 and Nh ¹ N;
M = 0 and CH = 0 and Nh ¹ N;
L > 0 and {Nh = 0 or Nh = /};
CM > 0 and {Nh = 0 or Nh = /};
CL = 0 and CM = /;
CM = 0 and CH = /;
CM = / and CH ¹ /;
CL = 0 and C ³ 6;
CL > 0 and C < 6 in the 1st group 8NsChshs;
CL = 3, 9 and C ¹ 9 in all groups 8NsChshs;
CL ¹ 3, 9 and C = 9;
{CM = / or CM = 0} and 3 £ C £ 5;
{CM = 1 or CM = 2} and C = 3;
{3 £ CM £ 6 or CM = 8} and 4 £ C £ 5;
1 £ CH £ 4 and C = 2;
7 £ CH £ 8 and C = 0;
0 £ CH £ 8 and C = 1;

CH = 7 and N ¹ 8;
Ns = 9 and C ¹ /;
Ns = 9 and N ¹ 9;
Ns > N;
1 £ Ns £ 8 and C = /;

0 £ C £ 2 and {CH = / or CH = 0};
3 £ C £ 4 and {CM = / or CM = 0};
C = 5 and CM ¹ 2, 7

CL > 0 and Nh < Ns in group 8NsChshs with C ³ 6;
CL = 0 and Nh < Ns in group 8NsChshs with 3 £ C £ 5;
C ¹ 9 and Ns < 1 in 1st group 8NsChshs;

C ¹ 9 and Ns < 3 in 2nd group 8NsChshs;

C ¹ 9 and Ns < 5 in 3rd group 8NsChshs;

hshs in 2nd group 8NsChshs < hshs in 1st group 8NsChshs;
hshs in 3rd group 8NsChshs < hshs in 2nd group 8NsChshs;

(e) Cloud information and weather ww

Clouds and weather are considered suspect when:

N = 9 and {ww < 16 or 18 < ww < 29 or ww = 36 or ww = 37 or ww = 40 or ww =

41 or ww = 42 or ww = 44 or ww = 46 or ww = 48};

N ¹ 9 and {ww = 43 or ww = 45 or ww = 47 or ww = 49};
N = 0 and {ww = 03 or 14 £ ww £ 17 or 80 £ ww £ 99};
N < 5 and 50 £ ww £ 59;
N < 3 and {60 £ ww £ 69 or 72 £ ww £ 75 or 77 £ ww £ 79};
Nh = 0 and {50 £ ww £ 75 or 77 £ ww £ 99};
95 £ ww £ 99 and C ¹ 9;

(f) Temperature T and weather ww

Both elements are considered suspect when:

T > +5° C and {70 £ ww £ 79 or 85 £ ww £ 88};
T < -2° C and {50 £ ww £ 55 or 58 £ ww £ 65 or 80 £ ww £ 82};
T > +12° C and {68 £ ww £ 69 or 83 £ ww £ 84};
T < -5° C and {68 £ ww £ 69 or 83 £ ww £ 84};

T > +3° C and {56 £ ww £ 57 or 66 £ ww £ 67};
T < -10° C and {56 £ ww £ 57 or 66 £ ww £ 67};
T > +3° C and 48 £ ww £ 49;

(g) Temperature T and dew-point temperature Td

Both values are considered suspect when:

T - Td > 5° C and 40 £ ww £ 49;
Td > T;

(h) Pressure tendency appp

The values of a and ppp are considered erroneous when:

a = / and ppp ³ 0;
a ³ 0 and ppp = /;
a = 4 and ppp > 0;
ppp = 000 and 1 £ a £ 3;
ppp = 000 and 6 £ a £ 8;

(i) Weather ww, W1, W2

The values of ww and W1, W2 are considered erroneous when:

00 £ ww £ 03 and 0 £ W1 £ 2;

(j) Past weather W1 , W2

The values of W1, W2 are considered erroneous when:

W1 < W2;
0 £ W1 £ 2 and W1 ¹ W2;

(k) Past weather W2 and cloud cover N

The values of W2 and cloud cover are considered suspect when:

W2 = 0 and 5 £ N £ 8;
W2 = 2 and 0 £ N £ 4;

(l) Weather ww and wind speed

The values for ww and ff are considered suspect when:

{31 £ ww £ 35 or ww = 37 or ww = 39 or ww = 98} and ff < 10 ms-1;
(m) Temperature T and Minimum/Maximum temperature Tn / Tx

The values of T and Tn , Tx are considered erroneous when:

T < Tn ;
Tx < T;

(n) Precipitation RRR and past weather W1 , W2

The values of RRR and W1 , W2 are considered erroneous when:

{5 £ W1 £ 8 or (W1 = 9 and 5 £ W2 £ 8)} and RRR = 000;

(o) Indicator iR and precipitation RRR

The values of iR and RRR are considered erroneous when:

iR = 0 - 2 and {RRR = 000 or RRR = ///};

iR = 3 and {RRR ¹ 000 or RRR ¹ ///};

iR = 4 and RRR = ///;

(p) Indicator ix and weather ww, W1 , W2

The values of ix and W1 , W2 are considered erroneous when:

ix = 1, 4 and ww ¹ 00 - 99;

ix = 2, 3 and ww = 00 - 99;

(q) Check on station pressure reduction

The paragraph – without any changes

(s) State of ground

The values of state of ground are considered suspect when:

E > 0 and E' > 0;
E = 4 and TgTg > 0 °C;
E' = 0 and TgTg > +3 °C;
5 £ E' £ 8 and TgTg > 0 °C;
E = 0 and 1 £ tR £ 2 and RRR > 3 mm;
E ³ 0 and sss > 0;
{E' = 1 or E' = 5} and sss ¹ 998;
{2 £ E' £ 4 or 6 £ E' £ 8} and sss = 998;
E' = 9 and sss < 15 cm;
E = 5 and {SpSp = 35 or SpSp = 37 or SpSp = D };

(t) Supplementary information

The supplementary information are considered suspect when:

ww = 8 and {Mw £ 6 or Mw = /} (group 919spsp);
ww = 19 and {7 £ Mw or Mw = /}; (group 919spsp)
ww = 38 and S8 ¹ 8 (group 929spsp);
ww = 39 and S8 ¹ 9 (group 929spsp);
S'8 = 0 and 36 £ ww £ 39 (group 929spsp);
S'8 = 5 and 38 £ ww £ 39 (group 929spsp);
S'8 > 1 and {16 £ ww or 18 £ ww £ 35 or 40 £ ww £ 69 or 79 £ ww £ 84}
(group 929spsp);
8 £ S8 £ 9 a S’8 = / (group 929spsp);
SpSp = 32 and W1 < 8 and ww ¹ 27;
48 £ ww £ 49 and {SpSp ¹ 35 or SpSp ¹ 36};
{56 £ ww £ 57 or 66 £ ww £ 67} and {SpSp ¹ 34 or SpSp ¹ 36};
ss > 05 and {16 £ ww or 18 £ ww £ 21 or ww = 25 or 28 £ ww £ 35 or 41 £ ww £
67 or 80 £ ww £ 82 or 91 £ ww £ 92 or ww = 98 or W1 £ 6} (group 931spsp); CONSISTENCY CHECKS FOR SURFACE DATA

(in case of indicator ix = 5 - 7)

The different parameters in SYNOP reports are checked against each other. In the description below, the suggested checking algorithms have been divided into areas where the physical parameters are closely connected:

(a) Wind dd/ff

The wind information is considered to be erroneous in the following cases:

dd = 00 and ff ¹ 00;
dd ¹ 00 and ff = 00;
dd = 99 and ff = 00 or ff ³ 05ms-1;

(b) Visibility VV and weather ww

The values for visibility and weather are considered suspect when:

{ww = 5 or 29 £ ww £ 35} and {10 £ VV £ 89 or 94 £ VV £ 99};
VV < 10 and {00 £ ww £ 04 or 06 £ ww £ 17 or 19 £ ww £ 28};
{VV < 60 or 90 £ VV £ 96} and ww £ 03;
{ww = 10 or ww = 20} and {00 £ VV £ 09 or 90 £ VV £ 93};

(d) Cloud information

The values for cloud cover are considered erroneous when:

N = 0 and h ¹ 9;
N = 9 and h ¹ /;
N = 9 and Ns ¹ 9;
N = / and h ¹ /;
Ns = 9 and C ¹ /;
Ns = 9 and N ¹ 9;
Ns > N;
C ¹ 9 and Ns < 1 in 1st group 8NsChshs;
C ¹ 9 and Ns < 3 in 2nd group 8NsChshs;
C ¹ 9 and Ns < 5 in 3rd group 8NsChshs;
hshs in 2nd group 8NsChshs < hshs in 1st group 8NsChshs;
hshs in 3rd group 8NsChshs < hshs in 2nd group 8NsChshs;

(e) Cloud information and weather ww

Clouds and weather are considered suspect when:

N = 9 and 00 < ww < 25;
N = 0 and {ww = 03 or ww = 18 or {40 £ ww £ 49};
1 £ N £ 3 and {50 £ ww £ 69 or 72 £ ww £ 76};

(f) Temperature T and weather ww

Both elements are considered suspect when:

T > +5° C and {45 £ ww £ 46 or 70 £ ww £ 79 or 85 £ ww £ 87};
T < -2° C and {43 £ ww £ 44 or 50 £ ww £ 53 or 57 £ ww £ 63 or 81 £ ww £ 84};
T > +3° C and {47 £ ww £ 48 or 54 £ ww £ 56 or 64 £ ww £ 66};
T < -10° C and {47 £ ww £ 48 or 54 £ ww £ 56 or 64 £ ww £ 66};
T > +3° C and ww = 35;

(g) Temperature T and dew-point temperature Td

Both values are considered suspect when:

T - Td > 5° C and 30 £ ww £ 35;
Td > T;

(h) Pressure tendency appp

The values of a and ppp are considered erroneous when:

a = / and ppp ³ 0;
a ³ 0 and ppp = /;
a = 4 and ppp > 0;
ppp = 000 and 1 £ a £ 3;
ppp = 000 and 6 £ a £ 8;

(i) Weather ww, W1, W2

The values of ww and W1, W2 are considered erroneous when:

00 £ ww £ 03 and 0 £ W1 £ 2;

(j) Past weather W1 , W2

The values of W1, W2 are considered erroneous when:

W1 < W2;
0 £ W1 £ 2 and W1 ¹ W2;

(k) Past weather W2 and cloud cover N

The values of W2 and cloud cover are considered suspect when:

W2 = 0 and 5 £ N £ 8;
W2 = 2 and 0 £ N £ 4;

(l) Weather ww and wind speed

The values for ww and ff are considered suspect when:

{27 £ ww £ 29} and ff < 10 ms-1;

(m) Temperature T and Minimum/Maximum temperature Tn / Tx

The values of T and Tn , Tx are considered erroneous when:

T < Tn ;
Tx < T;

(n) Precipitation RRR and past weather W1 , W2

The values of RRR and W1 , W2 are considered erroneous when:

{4 £ W1 £ 8 or (W1 = 9 and 4 £ W2 £ 8)} and RRR = 000;

(o) Indicator iR and precipitation RRR

The values of iR and RRR are considered erroneous when:

iR = 0 - 2 and {RRR = 000 or RRR = ///};
iR = 3 and {RRR ¹ 000 or RRR ¹ ///};
iR = 4 and RRR = ///;

(p) Indicator ix and weather ww, W1 , W2

The values of ix and W1 , W2 are considered erroneous when:

ix = 7 and ww ¹ 00 - 99;
ix = 5, 6 and ww = 00 - 99;

(q) Check on station pressure reduction

The paragraph – without any changes

(s) State of ground

The values of state of ground are considered suspect when:

E > 0 and E' > 0;
E = 4 and TgTg > 0 °C;
E' = 0 and TgTg > +3 °C;
5 £ E' £ 8 and TgTg > 0 °C;
E = 0 and 1 £ tR £ 2 and RRR > 3 mm;
E ³ 0 and sss > 0;
{E' = 1 or E' = 5} and sss ¹ 998;
{2 £ E' £ 4 or 6 £ E' £ 8} and sss = 998;
E = 5 and {SpSp = 35 or SpSp = 37 or SpSp = D };

(t) Supplementary information

The supplementary information are considered suspect when:

{47 £ ww £ 48 or 54 £ ww £ 56 or 64 £ ww £ 66} and {SpSp ¹ 34 or SpSp ¹ 36};

Annex to Paragraph 6.2

Proposed Amendments to Attachment II.8 to the Manual on GDPS
Procedures and formats for the exchange of monitoring results

3. Surface observations

3.1 The criteria for the production of monthly list of suspect stations are as follows:



Element: Geopotential height, from surface synoptic observations or derived from station-level pressure, temperature and published station elevations at 0000, 0600, 1200 or 1800 UTC compared to the first guess field of a data assimilation model (usually a six-hour forecast).

Number of observations: at least five for at least one observation time, without distinguishing between observation times.

One or more of the following:

Absolute value of the mean bias 25m
Standard deviation 35m
Percentage gross error 20% (gross error limit: 100m).


General guidance reflecting Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) procedures for precipitation quality monitoring are given under section of the guide on the GDPS.


(1) All monitoring centres are asked to conform to the above specified criteria. These monthly lists should be prepared for at least the regional association of the lead centres and, if possible, for other regional associations. Consolidated lists of suspect stations should be produced every six months by the lead centres (January–June and July–December) and forwarded to the WMO Secretariat for further action.

(2) The stations on these consolidated lists should be those appearing on all six monthly lists of the lead centres. Other stations could be added to the consolidated list if the lead centres judges that there is sufficient evidence for their inclusion. Each centre should send its proposed consolidated list to all participating monitoring centres for comment. The final list would then be forwarded to the WMO Secretariat.














JAPAN Nobuo SATO, Chair
Numerical Prediction Division
Japan Meteorological Agency
1-3-4 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
Tel: +813 3211 8408
Fax: +813 3211 8407
Jefe, Departamento Redes
Servicio Meteorologico Nacional
25 de Mayo 658
Tel: +54 11 4514 1563
Fax: +54 11 4514 4225
Real Time Data Management
Bureau of Meteorology
GPO Box 1289K
Tel: +613 9669 4349
Fax: +613 9662 1223
Data Assimilation and Quality Control Division
Canadian Meteorological Centre
2121 Trans-Canada Highway
Tel: +1 514 421 4630
Fax: +1 514 421 4657
Deutscher Wetterdienst
Zentralamt. Frankfurter Str. 135
Tel: +49 69 8062 2676
Fax: +49 69 8062 3676
KENYA Ignatius Gitonga GICHONI
Kenya Meteorological Department
P.O. Box 30259
Tel: +254 2 567 880
Fax: +254 2 567 872; 567 888/9
Data Processing System Division
World Weather Watch, Basic Systems Department
World meteorological Organization
7 bis, avenue de la Paix
Case postale No 2300
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel: (+ 41 22) 730 82 31
Fax: (+ 41 22) 730 80 21




AOPC Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate
CBS Commission for Basic Systems
CMC Canadian Meteorological Centre, Canada
CPC Climate Prediction Centre
DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany
ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation
GCOS Global Climate Observing System
GPCC Global Precipitation Climatology Centre
GPCP Global Precipitation Climatology Project
JMA Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan
MOS Model Output Statistics
NCEP National Centre for Environmental Prediction
NMHSs National Meteorological and Hydrological Services
NWP Numerical Weather Prediction
PDB Point Data Base
PPM Perfect Prognosis Model
QC Quality Control
SVS Standard Verification System
WCRP World Climate Research Programme
WGNE Working Group on Numerical Experimentation