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Country: LITHUANIA                                                                        Centre: LHMS (Vilnius)


1. Summary of highlights

Local area network (LAN) was installed in the centre, and the network of 20 main meteorological stations was computerised and connected to the centre via electronic mail.

2. Equipment in use at the centre

2.1 Operational equipment:

  • UNIX MSS PC 486/33 for GTS-3

  • LINUX MSS PC Pentium for UNIX MSS-3

  • VMS MicroVAX 3400 Server/workstations

  • FAX-E User Station for the DWD products

2.2 Communication:

  • TCP/IP links

  • TGPAD links


  • Asynchronous link

3. Data and products from GTS in use

3.1 Number of observations received daily:

SYNOP - 70, TEMP - 50, TAF - 100, METAR - 100, etc.

3.2 Number of products received daily:

  • ECMWF 12 UTC

  • HIRLAM 00 and 12 UTC

  • Charts - 4

4. The data input system


5. Quality control system

Format and basic consistency are checked

6. Monitoring of the observing system

Surface observations are monitored on the national level, upper-air observations are monitored on the regional level.

7. Forecasting system

We have no NWP model of our own. Neither we originate any medium - range weather forecasts. Only weather trend outlooks for the 4th or the 5th day are being issued. Short - range (1 - 3 days) weather forecasts are originated manually using HIRLAM (0 - 36 h data), GM & EM (via FAX-E satellite receiving station). These forecasts are issued once a day with additional updates in case of need.

8. Verification of prognostic products


9. Plans for the future

To put into operation a workstation version of the HIRLAM model with a domain over the Baltic states.


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