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Progress Report on Global Data Processing System for 1999



1. Summary of Highlights

During 1999 an effort was devoted to adapt all the operational systems to be Y2K compliant.

DWD multi-processor HRM version was regionally adapted. Since November 1999 it was put into quasi-operational run up to 48 hrs. Till November 1999 a workstation version of "Euroupa-Model" was in use.

A version of the regional WAM model for Eastern Mediterranean has been fully implemented .


2. Equipment in Use

2.1 operational equipment

Computer memory (MB) Operating system
1xSGI Origin 2000 server, 2 cpu 256 IRIX 6.4
2xSGI Origin 200 servers, 1 cpu 128 each IRIX 6.4
1xSGI O2 workstation 64 IRIX 6.3
3xSGI INDY workstations 64 each IRIX 6.2
4xSGI INDY workstations 32 each IRIX 6.2
1xIBM RS/6000 320H 48 AIX 3.2.5

Total disc storage is about 95 GB (including external SCSI RAID)

External devices :     1 Roland DPX-2700 plotter
1 Roland DPX-3600 plotter
1 Dataproducts CI-500e line dot matrix printer

One of the Origin 200 computers is used as a database server and the other is used as a communication server ( backing up each other ), while Origin 2000 is used mainly for NWP operational and research activities.


2.2 Communications

  • Point to point links
  • National public network
  • Frame Relay link to RTH Offenbach (64 KB)

3. Data and Products from GTS in Use

3.1 Data

Number of observations/day in average












3.2 Products


32 bulletins


875 bulletins


1112 bulletins


150 bulletins


42 bulletins

CDF in T.4 format

90 charts


4. Data Input System

Fully automated. INFORMIX DBMS is used for the data management.


5. Quality Control System

no change


6. Monitoring

no change


7. Forecasting System

7.1 System run schedule

Time (UTC) System running












00 UTC preliminary analysis

00 UTC MM4 forecast (00h-24h)

00 UTC quasi-operational regional forecast (00h-48h)

00 UTC main analysis

00 UTC WAM forecast (00h-48h)

00 UTC final analysis

12 UTC preliminary analysis

12 UTC MM4 forecast (00h-24h)

12 UTC quasi-operational regional forecast (00h-48h)

12 UTC main analysis

12 UTC WAM forecast (00h-48h)

12 UTC final analysis


MSL pressure analysis is carried out every 3 hours with cut-off of 0:40 and 2:40 hrs.


7.3 Short - range forecasting system.

There is no essential change in MM4 model run which is now used for a preliminary guidance.

Hereby are the characteristics of a new regional model used quasi-operationally.

7.3.2 Model

Analysis and forecast data of GME from DWD are used

as an initial and lateral boundary data.

Basic equations - primitive equations
Independent variables l - longitude in rotated coordinate system
j - latitude in rotated coordinate system
h - vertical coordinate
t - time
Time dependent variables - Ps - surface pressure
T - temperature
qd - water vapor
qw - cloud water content
u,v - horizontal wind components
Diagnostic variables - p - sea level pressure
f - geopotential
w - vertical velocity
Numerical Technique
  • Rotated spherical grid, mesh size=0.25°
  • (~ 27 km), Arakawa C-grid.
  • Hybrid vertical coordinates, 20 layers
  • Second order central differencing in space is combined with a leap frog time scheme and a split semi-implicit correction step, 150 sec. time step ; Asselin filter.
  • Lateral boundary formulation due to Davies (1976)
  • Fourth-order linear horizontal diffusion, slope-correction for the diffusion of temperature.
Integration domain
  • the rectangular area in rotated spherical coordinates, the corners are located at:

( 11.88 E, 25.47 N)
( 38.34 E, 18.77 N)
( 13.12 E, 50.45 N)
( 53.46 E, 40.12 N)
121 x 101 grid points

Physical parametrization
  • Grid-scale precipitation including parameterized cloud microphysics.
  • Mass flux convection scheme after Tiedtke (1989).
  • Vertical diffusion after Louis (1979) for the surface layer, an extended level-2 scheme after Mellor and Yamada (1974) higher up.
  • d - two-stream radiation scheme after Ritter and Geleyn (1992) for short and longwave fluxes, full cloud-radiation feedback.
  • Two-layer soil model after Jacobsen and Heise (1982) including snow and interception storage.
  • Climate values changing monthly (fixed during forecast) in third layer.
  • Fixed analysed sea surface temperature.
Topographic data sets
  • Received from DWD for all grid points.


7.3.3 The products of short-range model run

The products are: sea level pressure, geopotential, temperature, wind and relative humidity at 1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 850, 700, 500 and 300 hpa

Surface level: temperature, max/min temperature, wind, relative humidity,  cloud amount and accumulated 6-hours precipitation.

All products are predicted for 6 to 48 hours with output every 6hr.

Model runs twice per day based on 00 UTC and 12 UTC.

7.7 Regional WAM model version

The regional wave model version is identical to the WAM model, cycle 4, in all aspects, except the following:

Model type: Spectral model (third generation)
Integration domain: Eastern Mediterranean sea
Grid : From 30° N to 39° N and from 15° E to 37° E.
Resolution: 0.25° latitude; 0.25° longitude.
Frequency resolution: 25 frequency components spaced between 0.04 Hz and 1 Hz.
Direction resolution: 12 equally spaced direction components.
Forecast range: +24, +36, +48 hours. (2 times/day)
Source timestep: 600 sec
Data inputs: surface (10m ) analysis and forecast maps (+12, +24, +36,+48 hours)   of the wind components are used. These maps are produced by GME, DWD.
Surface classification: No sea ice


8. Verification of prognostic products


Verification against analysis for region (27E-37E , 28N-40N)




RMS error of mean sea level pressure (hPa)

  Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24h 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.4
48h 2.2 2.1 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.2 2.0 1.4 1.1 0.6 2.1
72h 2.5 2.6 2.0 2.3 2.1 2.7 2.8 1.6 1.3    

RMS error of geopotential height at 500 hPa (m)

  Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24h 18 16 13 10 12 9 9 11 11 11 14
48h 25 25 17 20 18 16 12 15 15 17 20
72h 32 31 21 24 19 19 16 16 19    

RMS error of temperature at 850 hPa (C°)

  Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24h 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1
48h 1.9 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.5
72h 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.3 1.8 2.1 2.3 1.9 1.8  
  • From the end of January 1999 the verifications have been performed on regular basis.


9. Plans for the future

  • The regional model will be fully implemented.
  • Further development and improvement of the regional WAM model.
  • An ongoing inprovement of the GDPS operations at IMS.



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