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Progress Report on the Global Data Processing

System 1999



This report summarizes the Global Data processing system activities carried out at India Meteorological Department, New Delhi and National Center for Medium Range Weather forecasting, New Delhi.

(1) Summary of Highlights

The major events during 1999 are:

  • A limited area model adapted from NCEP (USA) hurricane model, which is a quasi-Lagrangian model (QLM), has been installed. The model is being tested for tropical cyclone track prediction over Indian seas.

  • A few experiments were undertaken to study the impact of real-time observed SST and model vertical resolution on short-range forecast of monsoon circulation features and rainfall.

  • Experiments were carried–out with a nested grid meso-scale limited area model to study the impact of model resolution to improve monsoon rainfall forecast. The results show that the model at the increased resolution can provide improved meso-scale rainfall features of South west Monsoon.

  • An inter-comparison of model rainfall forecast with INSAT derived rainfall was carried- out. The results show that INSAT derived rainfall compares well with the model rainfall and promise to provide an important input for the initialization of numerical models.
  • Studies were carried-out for evaluation of the skill of LAM on cyclone track prediction and rainfall prediction. The studies show that performance of he model is reasonably good.

  • A few experiments with pseudo humidity profiles estimated from INSAT Infra-red cloud imagery data assimilated into the analysis scheme of limited area forecast system (LAFS) were carried out. Test runs showed positive impact on 24 hours model predicted flow pattern, rainfall, development and movement of tropical systems during the southwest monsoon season.

  • PC-based decoders for decoding GTS observations and ECMWF model output were developed. A decoder for decoding and plotting of buoy data was also developed.

(2) Main Computer System

CDC CYBER 2000U (Operating System NOS/VE)

  • Used for processing incoming GTS data, plotting of various charts, operational runs of analysis and forecast models and research.

  • One CPU with 256 MB memory includes Vector processor.

  • Maximum speed 26 MFlops (Vector) and 19 MFlops (Scalar).

  • Peripherals

    • 4 tape units

    • 16 GB disc storage

    • 2 pen plotters

    • 2 electrostatic plotters

    • 3 laser printers (one color)

    • 2 line printers

    • 2 color copiers

    • Optical disk subsystem

Two CDC 4680 (operating System EP/IX(UNIX))

  • Used as gateway with RTH computer

    • 1 CPU 32 M bytes memory

    • Disk : 1.0 G byte

Two VAX 11/730

  • Used for operational data processing , research and development

  • 1 CPU 4 M bytes memory

  • Disk : 121, 456 MB


  • 4 CYBER 910-485 32MB memory workstation (Operating System IRIX)

  • Used for processing of satellite data and model output products.


  • Four pentium II (350 MHz, 64 MB RAM) and one pentium II server ( 400 MHz, 256 MB RAM) with operating system Windows NT 4.0 in LAN.

  • Used for data processing, Graphics and Data archival on CD ROM / CTD.



Ethernet (10 M bits/s)

  • Connects the CYBER 2000U mainframe, two CD4680's, CYBER 910-485 workstations, electrostatic color plotter, calcomp pen plotters, laser plotters.

  • Connects CYBER 2000U mainframe with VAX-3400 and VAX-11/750 Computers (for online transfer of satellite imageries data and GTS data respectively).

(3) Data and Products from GTS in use

Nearly all observational data from the GTS are used. GRID and GRIB data from WAFC Washington, Bracknell, ECMWF are received and processed. Approximate figures for 24 hr are:

SYNOP, SHIP 28,000 reports

TEMP 2,500 reports

PILOT 800 reports

AIREP, AMDAR 3,500 reports

SATWIND 8,000 reports

SATEM 5,000 reports

DRIBU 1,400 reports

(4) Data Input System

Fully automated system.

(5) Quality Control System

Automated quality control of incoming data based on WMO criteria.

(6) Monitoring Of The Observing System

Surface observations and upper air observations are monitored as per WMO procedures.

(7) Forecasting System

The operational forecasting system, known as Limited Area Forecast system (LAFS), is a complete system consisting of data decoding and quality control procedures handled by AMIGAS software, 3-D multivariate optimum interpolation scheme for objective analysis and a multilayer primitive equation model run twice a day at 00UTC and 12UTC. First guess and boundary conditions for running the LAFS are obtained online from global forecast model being operated by the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), New Delhi. The model is run upto 48 hr.

7.1 System Run Schedule

There are two operational runs of the Limited Area Model daily based on 00 and 12 UTC. NCMRWF global analysis and forecasts based on 00 utc are used as initial fields and lateral boundary conditions for the model. The system run starts with a 4 hours cut off time after the main synoptic hours 00 and 12 utc.

7.2 Data assimilation, objective analysis and initialization

The main characteristics of the OI scheme are given below:

Analysis method : 3-dimensional multivariate optimum interpolation.
Horizontal and vertical : Flexible grid resolution
Analysis variables : Geopotential, u and v components of wind, specific humidity.
Mass motion balance : Geostropic coupling between height and wind components, partial decoupling between 10o-25o N lat decoupled equatorward of 10o N lat.
First guess : Global 24 hours forecast from T 80 global model run by NCMRWF.


7.3 Forecast model (Based on Dept. of Meteorology, Florida State University,USA )

The following are the outlines of the Limited Area Model :-

Basic equation : Primitive equations
Independent Variables : x,y,s,t
Time Dependent variables :

lnp -log of surface pressure
u,v -wind components
T - temperature
q - specific humidity
z - geopotential

Numerical Integration : Horizontal- finite difference, staggered Arakawa c scheme vertical- centered difference for all variables except humidity, which is handled by an upstream differencing scheme. semi-Lagrangian semi implicit - time integration scheme.
Horizontal Resolution : 1oX1o
Vertical Resolution : 12 sigma levels.
Integration Domain : 96X71 grid points (300E-1250E, 250S-450N)
Time Step : 10 minutes.
Initialization : Dynamic normal mode initialization.
Orography : Envelop orography.


7.4 Numerical Weather Prediction Products

The products of LAFS available operationally are :

Mean sea level pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind, relative humidity at 1000,850,700,500,400,300,250,200,150,100 hPa levels; accumulated precipitation for 24 hrs and 48 hrs. Some of the derived products like vorticity, divergence, Stream function, Velocity potential, Vertical velocity, Moisture flux divergence, Wind shear are also taken.

7.5 Data archives

All decoded surface,upper air data and grid point data of ECMWF and NMC as received from GTS are being archived. Grid point data of LAFS are also being archived.

(8) Verification of Forecast Products

Verification against analysis :- verification of limited area forecasts are done by computing mean square errors against current analysis. Verification statistics for 1999 are given in Table 1 :

Part V : Plans for future Research and Development

  • Further development of the bogusing methodology for cyclone track prediction by LAM and QLM

  • Experiments on forecast model by improved initial input and high resolution with particular emphasis on rainfall forecast associated with tropical disturbances and disturbances of extra-tropical origin affecting Indian region

  • Development of objective methods for prediction of local weather like fog in the Winter and thunder-storm activity in the Pre-monsoon using model outputs.

  • Use of INSAT satellite humidity information in the analysis system.




Geopotential heights (500 hPa)

1999 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
F/C error T+24 22.8 23.8 20.1 2.8 19.8 19.3 18.0 16.5 16.2 17.7 18.4 17.3
Persistence error 27.2 28.2 21.6 22.2 22.9 20.7 20.7 21.1 21.6 25.3 29.7 29.7
F/C error T+48 28.6 31.6 23.8 24.8 26.4 24.8 22.0 21.0 21.3 23.3 23.0 21.6
Persistence Error 38.3 37.5 27.9 29.1 30.0 28.6 28.2 28.4 28.2 34.7 39.9 40.4


Vector wind (500 hPa)

1999 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
F/C error T+24 5.4 5.3 5.5 5.2 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.5 5.3 5.3
Persistence error 7.5 7.3 6.8 6.4 6.3 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.1 7.7 7.9 7.9
F/C error T+48 6.8 6.3 6.4 6.3 6.0 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.7 6.5 6.3
Persistence error 9.4 8.9 8.5 8.0 7.9 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.5 9.4 9.5 9.5



Government of India, Department of Science & Technology

National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF)

New Delhi, INDIA

1.    Summary of Highlights:

  • Scientific computing is vital for research in Atmospheric Sciences particularly so in the area of Weather Forecasting. During the year, NCMRWF has been successful in augmenting latest technology to its existing CRAY-XMP/216 supercomputing facility with three low cost stand-by solutions which are in various stages of installation and testing.

    • Cluster of DEC ALPHA Workstations

    • Cluster of Sun Ultra Sparc-II Workstations( PARAM 10000)

    • Cluster of ORIGIN 200 and O2 Workstations of SGI

  • DEC ALPHA: A centralised RAID Array having 96GB is connected to Alpha 4100 Sever (21164@600 MHz, 1 GB RAM) with the Digital UNIX operating system. Two servers of the above type,one for operations and another for redundancy, are installed. The central Alpha Server is in turn connected to eight workstations (21164@600MHz, 512 MB RAM) through a GIGA/Ethernet switch. The ethernet is used by the Network File System (NFS) while the Giga link is used for parallel computing and both the links are isolated using virtual LAN.

  • PARAM 10000: Consists two nodes(each node consists of 4 CPU’s) of Ultra Sparc-II@300 MHz with 2MB external Cache. The available disk space is 8GB and the memory is 512MB. The computing nodes are connected via a 3COM ethernet switch and through a high speed MYRINET link and the operating system is Solaris 2.6. This configuration is connected to two front-end Pentium based machines among which one PC acts as a DECNET Router. Both the front end PC’s are running RedHat LINUX Operating System.

  • Origin 200: Consists of two Origin Servers with 4CPU@ 225MHz, 1GB RAM and a disk space of 18GB each. Further, a centralized disk of 6x18GB capacity also exists and the two servers are in failsafe configuration. This server is connected to two O2 workstations working at 200MHz having 1MB cache and 128MB RAM and is connected through an eight port Ethernet HUB. Another server with 1CPU@180 MHz and having 256MB memory is connected to the GIGA Channel, printer and other peripherals. This server has three Network cards, connecting to DECNET, Local Domain and INTERNET respectively. The operating system is IRIX 6.5.

  • Local Area Network(LAN): It consists of basically a HUB based peer-to-peer LAN to make use of the INTERNET, E-Mail, printing and backup devices existing in the Centre in a shared environment to all the scientists .

  • INTERNET: A 64kbps leased line connection was commissioned at the Centre during the middle of the year. One of the Compaq professional workstations loaded with RedHat LINUX operating system was configured as a proxy server for administering the LAN. All the Internet facilities like FTP, TELNET, HTTP, etc. can now be availed from the centre. Scientists have already created a homepage of NCMRWF through in-house efforts and it is planned to launch the web site soon with the display of all the current forecast charts on daily basis.


2.    Operational Computing Equipment in use at the Centre:

Computer Type


Peak Speed

Disk Capacity


CRAY - XMP/216 (2 CPUs) 16 MB (Main)

128 MB (SSD)

450 MFlops 48.8 GB i) Global Data Assimilation-Forecast Suite
ii) Regional Scale Forecast Model
iii) Numerical Experimentation

i) VAX 8250

ii)VAX 8810 X 2


iii)VAX 4000

32 MB

48 MB 64 KB Cache



32 MB

- -

12.5 GB



2.4 GB

Super Computer Gateway

i) Data Processing
ii) Graphics
iii) Printing
iv) Plotting

i) User Support
ii) Back-Up Disk Support

SGI/ORIGIN 200 x 2 (4 CPUs) 1 GB 450 MFlops 108 GB i) Back-Up System for NWP

ii) Program Development related to forecast model

DEC ALPHA (8 PEs + 2 Servers) 0.5GB/PE 1.2 GFlops 108 GB i) Stand-by System for Data Processing and NWP

ii) Stand-by System for Graphics

iii) Meso-scale Model Forecast Experimentation

iv) Program Development related to the global data assimilation with new satellite data

PARAM 10000 (2 Nodes - 8 PEs ) 0.5GB/PE 600 MFlops 16 GB i) Extended Range Numerical Experimentation

ii) Meso-scale forecast experimentation


Software in Use at the Centre:

The GTS data on-line decoding is implemented on VAX 8810/Dec Alpha systems running on VMS/Degital UNIX operating system to categorise various types of observations and store them in Report Data Base(RDB) format using ECMWF Fortran Decoders. All other components of the GDAFS related with complex quality control, data analysis/assimilation and forecast model are implemented on CRAY XMP/216 system which runs on UNICOS 6.0 operating system in Fortran. The end-to-end operational suite is also implemented on Dec Alpha Cluster to generate operational products in stand-by mode. All forecast fields are archived in CRAY Binary/GRIB format. Meteorological Application Graphics and Integrated Colour System(MAGICS) / Grid Analysis and Display System(GRADS) softwares of the ECMWF/University of Maryland is implemented on front-end systems for generating output graphical plots.

Peripheral Systems in Use at the Centre:

The dissemination of forecast fields valid for different geographical locations of the country is carried out by using Very Small Aperture Terminal(V-SAT) network. V-SATs operate in STAR configuration using TDM/TDMA technique with inbound data rate of 16Kbps and outbound data rate of 64Kbps. The network is linked with the Transponder Number - 9 of the INSAT-2D satellite. Presently 67 V-SATs are installed at different places all over India.

Data and Products from GTS in Use:

At the moment, only cloud tracked winds from geostationary satellites(like INSAT), temperature/moisture profiles from polar orbital satellites of NOAA, USA are the most widely employed satellite derived products in NWP. Global communication satellites transmit these data sets by collecting from land based communication networks spread over various countries and transmit the global observational data in real-time to the global weather centers. This service is part of global telecommunication system(GTS) of World Meteorological Organisation(WMO). The quantum of data received through GTS at this Centre is limited to the bandwidth of the communication line between the RTH, Tokyo and RTH,Delhi.

Average number of observations received in 24 hrs.





















4.    Data Input Stream

Largely Automated

5.     Quality Control System

Before presenting observations to a data assimilation system, it is essential to weed out those clearly erroneous ones which may seriously degrade the quality of the analyses. Several different quality control checks are performed in real-time to filter out erroneous observations getting in a Global Data Assimilation-Forecast System(GDAFS).

  1. Checks on the code format etc.

  2. Internal consistency checks on the data within one observation

  3. Temporal consistency checks on observations from source

  4. Checks that the observations are reasonably close to climatology

  5. Checks that the observations are reasonably close to the forecast model first guess(6hrs forecast from the previous analysis) or the background fields

  6. Checks for spatial consistency with neighbouring observations(buddy check)

The results of the quality control checks as mentioned above are combined to produce a single final quality flag for each sample of observation indicating whether or not the observation is to be used by the data assimilation procedure subsequently.

At the NCMRWF, all the data after decoding are checked for their quality before being written to the Report Data Base(RDB) files. Earlier the Quality control procedures were embedded in the decoder programmes but in the new version they have been developed as a separate module and called after each report is decoded. Besides the quality control checks which were applied in the earlier version, i.e. HYDROSTATIC CHECK of the TEMP data has been included in the new version. Residuals are computed for all the elements by converting the guess from spectral space to grid space and interpolating the same at the observation locations as earlier. All the quality control programmes were modified to adapt to the changes made in the data preprocessing procedures.

6.     Monitoring of the Observing System

Monitoring of the available observations on the global scale is considered to be one of the important real-time efforts. Global observations available on GTS are relayed to this Centre at half-hourly interval consisting about 48 files in a day. Emphasis is on the availability of observations over the RMC(35°S - 60°N and 0°E - 145°E) and Indian(10°S - 40°N and 40°E - 100°E) regions which are crucial for the description of the initial state atmospheric circulation for initiating the forecast model. An exhaustive data monitoring is carried out for all the four main synoptic hours for which global data assimilation is carried out intermittently. As a monthly publication, Global Data Monitoring Report is generated with the details of quantum and quality of observations received at our end for the whole month. The report consists of the results of the quality monitoring of all the data received including the delayed data reports up to a period of 3-days. It may be noted that the quantum of data that goes in to the GDAFS is likely to be less because of the prescribed 10-hours cut-off time before the assimilation for a specific synoptic hour starts and for quality monitoring purposes, data received within the prescribed cut-off time are essentially used. It is to submit that all the statistics presented in the Monthly Global Data Monitoring Reports are prepared in accordance with the WMO/CBS procedures and such reports are distributed to other major GDPS Centres world over and to the data producers as well.

7.     Forecasting System

The core of the operational suite, consisting quality control, assimilation and forecast, is executed on the CRAY-XMP/216 Computer or the DEC ALPHA Cluster after the prescribed cut-off time. Most of the post-processing and graphics related jobs are implemented on front-end computers. Real-time forecast generation up to 5-days is carried out daily based on 00UTC initial conditions and a Regional Spectral Model(RSM) at 0.5°lat./long. Resolution is run as well by taking appropriate lateral boundary fields from the global model forecasts. Extended range forecasts on monthly scale are also generated once in a month. Recently, an 4-Member Ensemble Prediction System(EPS) based on breeding method is tested.

7.1 Data Assimilation and Objective Analysis

The analysis scheme of the data assimilation system employed at the NCMRWF is the Spectral Statistical Interpolation(SSI) Scheme. While running the SSI for the last two years, it was felt that the mass and momentum fields were not properly balanced and their were large ageostrophic components specially over the tropics. One of the reasons for the same could be the weak balance introduced in the analysis scheme between mass and wind fields and hence a new set of analysis variables were chosen in the new version to introduce a better balance between mass and wind fields.

The analysis variables chosen being the Vorticity, Mixing ratio and unbalanced part of Divergence, Temperature and log of Surface Pressure instead of the full fields as used in the old scheme. The balanced component of these fields are computed from Vorticity using the first six EOF's and based on statistical considerations. As a result of this, new set of statistics had to be computed for forecast error covariances and for computing the empirical constants used in calculating the balanced part of the above variables.

The second level of balance is achieved by including an explicit fitting of the full divergence tendency to the guess divergence tendency which is used as additional observations for the analysis. Observational errors in the case of Satellite data which were considered to be correlated only in the horizontal but not in the vertical are now correlated both in horizontal as well as vertical.

The concept of superobing has been removed and the residuals are used at the observation location itself instead of at the Guassian grid as used earlier. The concept of superobing is still operative in the case of Satellite data. To give a 4 Dimensional touch to the analysis scheme the previous 6-hrly analysis is used and the residuals were corrected for the time difference between the observation time and the analysis time by taking the trend from the previous analysis and current guess values. Surface reports, significant level data from TEMP/PILOT reports and Precipitable water data from TOVS are the additional data which are being used in the new analysis scheme.

7.2     Medium Range Forecast Model

Brief Description of Global Spectral Model

Model Elements Components Specifications
GRID HORIZONTAL Global Spectral-T80 (256X128)


18 Sigma Layers [s =.995, .981, .960, .920, .856, .777, .688, .594, .497, .425, .375, .325, .275, .225, .175, .124, .074, .021]


PROGNOSTIC VARIABLES Rel.Vorticity,Divergence, Virtual Temp., Log (Surface Pressure), Water Vapour mixing ratio


Orszag's Technique


Arakawa's energy conserving scheme


Semi-implicit with 900 seconds of time step


Robert's method


Second order over quasi-pressure surfaces, scale selective
PHYSICS SURFACE FLUXES Monin - Obukhov Similarity




Short Wave-Lacis & Hansen

Long Wave- Fels and Schwarzkopf



Kuo scheme modified


Tiedtke method


Manabe-modified Scheme based on saturation


Slingo scheme


Kessler's scheme


Pan Scheme having 3-layer soil model for soil temperature and bucket hydrology of Manabe for soil moisture prediction


Roughness length over sea computed by Charnock's relation. Climatological SST, bulk formulae for sensible and latent heat fluxes


Lindzen and Pierrehumbert Scheme

The model uses a simple land-surface scheme includes:

  1. exchange coefficients computations based on Monin Obukov similarity theory

  2. Penman Monteith method of evapotranspiration over land which includes vegetation effects

  3. prognostic surface temperature equation

  4. 3 layer of surface and soil temperature prediction based

  5. interactive bucket hydrology

  6. evaporation by bulk method over ocean and

  7. Charnock's roughness length computation of ocean.

Specifications of Initial Surface Boundry fields and Cloud Parameters

Fields Land Ocean
Surface temperature
Soil moisture
Snow cover
Roughness Length
Plant resistance
Soil temperature
Deep soil temperature
Convective cloud cover
Convective cloud bottom
Convective cloud top
Sea Ice
Climatology (S)
Climatology (S)
Climatology (S)
Climatology (A)
Climatology (M)
Climatology (S)

21 Regional Spectral Model


Domain : 3°N to 39°N and 56°E to 103°E
grid points : 97 X 84
Horizontal Resolution : around 50 Km
Vertical Levels : 18 Sigma Layers
Representation : as fourier sine-cosine series over both x and y directions
Wave numbers : 54 in east-west , 48 in north south
Time step : 300SEcs
Dynamics : Perturbation method
Run time : about 25min for one day integration
Nesting : One-way interaction with operational global model at every 6hrS
Time integration : Semi-implicit scheme
Physics : All state-of-the-art physics, same as operational global model
Initial condition :

Interpolated from operational global analysis

Boundary conditions : 6-hourly operational global forecasts


7.4     Numerical Weather Prediction Products

The model output generated by the GDAFS include the following important fields besides many other parameters. The following parameters are produced involving the post-processing at 12 standard pressure levels viz. 1000, 850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70 and 50hPa, for synoptic assessment of the forecasts at 24hrly interval.

  1. Wind Field(Flow Pattern)

  2. Geopotential Height

  3. Temperature

  4. Specific Humidity

  5. Vertical Velocity

In addition, Mean Sea Level Pressure(MSLP) and its 24hrly changes from the initial time distribution; Rainfall(accumulated for 24hrs) in quantitative terms estimated both from stratiform and convective type of clouds; Weekly Sub-Divisional Rainfall Distribution on every Wednesday; Location specific surface weather elements viz. Rainfall, Cloud cover, Maximum and Minimum Temperatures and Surface Wind (speed and direction) and Humidity etc.(twice weekly for issuing forecast to farmers) are also computed.

Also, several diagnostic fields(low, medium and high cloud cover; surface fluxes, radiative fluxes etc.) from different physical processes are archived.

  • Agrometeorological Advisory Service(AAS)

The main objective of NCMRWF is to provide medium range weather forecast based AAS to the farmers of the country. To accomplish the task, it has been decided to open an Agro meteorological Field Unit (AMFU) one each in 127 agroclimatic zones of the country. At present, 81 AMFUs are established covering that many agroclimatic zones. Currently, the Centre issues weekly forecast (on every Tuesday) to 76 AAS units out of which 43 Units are given forecast bi-weekly (on every Tuesday and Friday). Location specific forecasts to various AMFUs is disseminated through VSATs, FAX/Telephone etc.

  • Services rendered to other organizations in the Country

Besides AAS, We also cater to the needs of several other governmental and non-governmental organisations. Following is the list of some of the important users and forecast products provided to them :


1. India Meteorological  Department (IMD) a) 4-day forecast of flow pattern of 850,700,500 and 200hPa.

b) Meteograms of Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai , Chennai and Srinagar

c) 3-day Outlook on onset and progress of Monsoon

d) Monthly mean charts of MSLP, 850 hPa Stream Function and 200 Velocity Potential for Indian region based on analysis for climate studies

e) Special forecasts for Independence Day,  Republic Day, VIP functions, important events

2. Ministry of Agriculture,  Govt. of India Weekly forecast for weather systems, rainfall   and temperature for the Crop Weather Watch Group meetings held every Monday


  • Direct Model Output(DMO) Forecast

For the purpose of preparing location specific weather forecasts for AAS, the DMO forecast is prepared using the predicted values of the required surface weather elements at the grids directly from the global model output. The values of the meteorological elements (analysis/forecast) are obtained from the nearest grid point or from surrounding 4 grid points. For certain stations where orographic influence is large, these values are obtained depending on how best the station is represented by these grid point forecasts. The model output for each of the time step (15 minutes) is accumulated to obtain forecast values over 24-hours ending at 0830 hours IST. The forecast values of the following variables is obtained:

  • Total precipitation (mm)

  • Mean sea level pressure (hPa)

  • Average wind speed (Kmph)

  • Predominant wind direction (degrees)

  • Maximum temperature (0 C)

  • Minimum temperature ( 0 C)

  • Maximum relative humidity (%)

  • Minimum relative humidity (%)

  • Statistical Interpretation(SI) Forecast

Meteorological parameters like rainfall, maximum temperature and minimum temperature are highly dependent on local topographic and environmental conditions. Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models especially general circulation models(GCM) do not normally represent these local conditions adequately. Therefore, model forecast for a particular location may have certain errors. Upper air features over a location are however not so much dependent on local conditions and can be obtained from the analysis or forecast using a GCM easily. A statistical relation developed between upper air circulation around the location of interest and observed values of the surface weather element at that particular location, is more likely to take account of the effect of these local conditions. This indicates that statistical interpretation(SI) forecast so obtained will have better skill as compared to DMO forecast. In this Centre, Perfect Prog Method(PPM) is adopted in which a statistical relation is derived that relates large sample of observed surface elements (predictands) to concurrent observed surface and upper air reports i.e. analysis (predictors). In order to get a forecast for the appropriate valid time, values of the predictors obtained from NWP models is substituted in the relation developed. This approach assumes that the model forecasts are "perfect". Hence this approach is having a disadvantage that it does not account for systematic biases and errors of the model. This problem can be solved by using the unbiased model forecast, which can be obtained just on the basis of model analysis and forecast data for last one or two months. A major advantage of this method is that stable forecasting relations can be derived from a long period of record. Its forecast improves as NWP model forecast is improved.

  • Final Forecast Preparation

It is well known that a great deal of experience is required in order to fully take advantage of NWP products in the operational forecast preparation. The final forecast preparation at this Centre is essentially a man-machine mix approach involving an experienced panel of forecasters. While due weightage is given to the DMO, an experienced synoptician may at times, modify the specific forecast element based on the synoptic climatology of regional specific circulation characteristics. Subsequently, the final weather forecasts issued are verified against observations collected at the respective locations. The following table shows verification scores for selected stations of India during monsoon season of 1999 in respect of forecasts produced by i) Direct Model Output (DMO) ii) Statistical Interpretation(SI) and iii) Final forecast. It is noted that the skill scores for SI forecasts are generally higher than those of DMO and comparable to that of final forecasts.



DMO :Direct Model Output

SI :Statistical Interpretation Forecast

R. SCORE :Ratio Score(precentage of correct forecast)

H.K. :Hanssen and Kuipers Score



R. SCORE          H.K.


R.SCORE           H.K.


R.SCORE             H.K.


43                         0.09 67                          0.44 61                             0.37


47                         0.06 60                          0.15 48                            -0.03


88                         0.12 82                          0.81 88                             0.12


47                         0.06 74                          0.49 60                             0.26


51                         0.09 63                          0.23 60                             0.21


56                         0.21 79                          0.27 75                             0.16


53                         0.13 76                          0.47 71                             0.39


59                         0.15 56                          0.24 56                             0.15


45                         0.01 68                          0.40 59                             0.26


77                         0.04 78                          0.33 80                             0.32


62                         0.03 78                          0.48 66                             0.15


53                         0.21 73                          0.37 67                             0.25

* : Monsoon season (June-September)


8.    Verification of Prognostic Products

The objective verification of the operational global spectral model is carried out on continuous basis at our model resolution of 1.5° lat./long. resolution. Currently, efforts have already been completed to produce the objective verification tables over various sectors as specified by WMO/CBS at 2.5° lat./long. resolution by adding other geographical sectors as suggested by WMO recently. It is expected that the new set of objective verification statistics produced as per the new guidelines would be available from January, 2000 onwards. Results of the verification are regularly exchanged between the major global operational weather centres. Recently, we started the electronic exchange of these verification statistics with the ECMWF,U.K. And we intend to extend the similar exchange with other centres as well so that the respective statistics would be compared much more easily and thoroughly. Following table shows the verification summary for the month of December, 1999.


Verification Summary of the NCMRWF Global Model

Verification against Analysis



T+24h 00Z

T+72h 00Z

T+120h 00Z

N.Hemisphere RMSE(m) GZ 500hPa
RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 250hPa
Tropics RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 850hPa
RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 250hPa
S. Hemisphere RMSE(m) GZ 500hPa
RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 250hPa

Verification against Radiosondes



T+24h 00Z

T+72h 00Z

T+120h 00Z

N. America RMSE(m) GZ 500hPa
RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 250hPa
Europe RMSE(m) GZ 500hPa
RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 250hPa
Asia RMSE(m) GZ 500hPa
RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 250hPa
Australia-N.Z. RMSE(m) GZ 500hPa
RMSVE(m/s) Wind at 250hPa


9.    Plans for the Future

It is planned to procure an high performance computer to replace the existing CRAY machine.


  • Use of high resolution temperature profiles from NOAA satellites
    [globally 120Km and locally 80Km]

  • Height Reassignment of CMVs

  • Assimilation of direct satellite measured radiance in the global data assimilation system


  • Assimilation of INSAT OLR estimates

  • Assimilation of SSM/I or OCEANSAT measured total precipitable water content field

  • Assimilation of METEOSAT-5 derived winds

  • Assimilation of analysed NOAA SST field

  • Assimilation of soil moisture


  • Increase the horizontal resolution from existing T-80(150Km) to T-170(75Km)

  • Increase the vertical resolution from existing 18 levels to 28 levels


  • Incorporation of Non-Local Closure Scheme in Boundary Layer

  • Incorporation of Simplified Arakawa Schubert Scheme of Deep Cumulus Convection

  • Incorporation of improved treatment of Land-Surface Processes

Extension of MRF range to 7-days

Introduction of rainfall verification system

Introduction of Regional scale analysis system

Introduction of Meso-scale forecast


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