Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components X00.2.08
(MAY 99)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objective

     To provide tables of scientific data used in hydrology, meteorology and oceanography in a convenient and flexible computerised format

2.   Description

     Three packages are available, one for each of hydrological, meteorological and oceanographic tables. Each package consists of hardbound documentation plus a diskette. The documentation is a concise compendium of useful equations and contains a full explanation and referencing of all
assumptions made in the computations. The diskette contains user friendly software to generate and present the tables. Software is also provided to graph the tables. The tables in each package cover:

Hydrological Tables

- Catchment hydrology  - Open water evaporation - Sediment transport
- Drought indices  - Soil moisture properties - Beaufort scale
- Special functions    - Longitudinal dispersion - Physical properties of water
- SI, metric, US units conversion  - Dissolved gases in freshwater  - Radiation through a cloudy atmosphere
- Open channel flow  - Extreme value statistics    

Meteorological Tables

- Hydrometry - Psychrometry  - Vertical wind profile
- Reference atmosphere - Radiation incident on slopes   - Beaufort scale
- Vertical properties of the atmosphere   - Gaussian plumes   - Saturation vapour pressure
- Physical properties  of air   - Grassland fire tables   
- Transport properties of air - Meteorological temperatures  

Oceanographic Tables

- Tidal prediction   tables               - Dynamic oceanography  - Blackbody radiation
- Wind wave and ideal wave properties       - Beaufort scale, wind speed conversions - Saturation vapour pressure, latent heats
- Physical properties of seawater       - Transport properties  of seawater - Geodetic tables,  Ekman spiral
- Dissolved gases in seawater - Weibull distribution  - Sediment deposition
- Normal and Chi-squared distribution    

3.   Input

     User selection of table and entry of the necessary parameter information for the calculations.

4.   Output

     Tabulation of results on the screen with options for printing.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     The software requires DOS 2.10 or later plus at least 256K of RAM to run.

6.   Form of presentation

     Hardbound documentation in English and a 3.5-inch floppy diskette in MSDOS format.

7.   Operational experience

     The Tables are commercially available and used by practitioners in a number of countries.

8.   Originator and technical support

The Tables are available from and supported by:

Applied Environmetrics Applied Environmetrics Applied Environmetrics
PO Box 5137  65 Riefield Rd  8109 E. Bratt Rd
Mordialloc   London SE9 2RA  Fairfield, WA 99012
Victoria 3195    England  USA

9.   Availability

     The Tables are available from the originator, Applied Environmetrics. NOTE: A free sample diskette is available from the originator.

     Information provided by HOMS National Reference Centre for Australia.

10.  Conditions on use

A charge is made for the Tables. The 1999 charges are as follows:

Hydrological Tables   US$ 124.95
Meteorological Tables  US$ 124.95
Oceanographic Tables US$ 124.95
All three Tables   US$ 249.90


(First entered: 09 May 95

Last updated: 07 May 99)