Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components K75.2.05
(MAY 99)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     To provide a basic framework, terminology and introduction to the use of a series of individual aspects of water system information components which can be combined to develop operational control rules for water resources management, with minimal data requirements.

2.   Description

     This report explains how to establish control components covering the following aspects of relevance to the authorities responsible for the operational management of water resource systems.

     (i)     Demands
     (ii)    Resources
     (iii)   Drawdown curves
     (iv)   Refill curves
     (v)    Zones, bandwidths, action lines
     (vi)   Aggregated storage
     (vii)  Segregated storage
     (viii) Decision diagrams
     (ix)  Recession curves
     (x)   Operational economics

     It shows how flexible operational control rules can be produced for most situations by separating the problem into an appropriate combination of components selected from the above list. It explains how to blend, pre-monitor and revise the selection to produce a final, easily used set of rules for routine operations. The report also includes a case study of a river basin in Wales, UK, and other examples which illustrate all aspects of the method.

3.   Input

     To apply the methods outlined in the component report effectively, the user needs to have information on the reservoirs and other water resource works in the system, the demands placed on them, and some basic data on the hydrological characteristics of the basin.

4.   Output

     An effective package of control rules for operational management, especially suited to the local conditions, can be produced.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions


6.   Form of presentation

     Published report in English: An introduction to Operational Control Rules using the 10-Component Method by Allan Lambert. British Hydrological Society Occasional Paper no. 1.

7.   Operational experience

     The methods have been developed and used successfully for some years.

8.   Originator and technical support

     Mr A. Lambert, Welsh Water/Wallace Evans.

9.   Availability

     From the HOMS National Reference Centre for the United Kingdom.

10.  Conditions on use

     Report for sale. Full acknowledgement of use is requested.


(First entered: 17 APR 90

Last updated: 17 OCT 91)