Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components K70.2.02
(AUG 01)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1. Purpose and objectives

To enable rapid assessment of run-of-river hydropower generation potential.

2. Description

HydrA is software for PCs that facilitates systematic estimation of small-scale hydropower potential at any site in specified regions, i.e. at gauged or ungauged sites in regions where preparatory regionalisation analysis using catchment characteristics and available hydrometric data has been undertaken previously. The site is defined by a catchment boundary, the co-ordinates of which are input to HydrA by the operator. The flow regime at the point in question, expressed as a flow duration curve, is a key step. At gauged sites with sufficiently long flow records the flow duration curve can be specified and input to HydrA by the user. For ungauged sites, HydrA prepares a synthetic flow duration curve on the basis of a regional normalised flow duration curve and an overlay of gridded runoff onto the specified catchment area. To be operational for a given region, HydrA must already contain (hard-coded) regional, normalised, flow duration curves and gridded runoff data for the region of application,
which will have been derived previously in separate studies. In order to assess hydropower potential HydrA applies the flow-dependent efficiency curves of the selected turbine(s) to the flow duration curve.

Versions of the HydrA software are available for the United Kingdom and Spain (HydrA), Nepal (HydrA-Nepal) and Himachal Pradesh, India (HydrA- HP). A version of HydrA covering Italy, Belgium, Ireland and Portugal has also been prepared. A comprehensive User Guide is available for each version of HydrA.

A demonstration version of HydrA (restricted to an example catchment) is available free of charge on request.

3. Input

Co-ordinates of the catchment boundary. A design flow and the available hydraulic head, to select the appropriate type(s)of turbine for the site in question. Residual flow.

4. Output

Flow duration curves. Hydropower generation potential for the turbine(s) selected.

5. Operational requirements and restrictions

4 Mb RAM; 386 processor at 20 Mhz; Windows 95 or above.

6. Form of presentation

The software is provided on 3.5-inch floppy discs. There is a comprehensive (100+ pp), region-specific, User Guide and Technical Reference in English (and Spanish for HYdrA).

7. Operational experience

Applications of HydrA in the UK, Spain, Nepal, India, Italy, Belgium, Ireland and Portugal.

8. Originator and technical support

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8BB, UK.

9. Availability

HydrA is available via the HOMS National Reference Centre for the UK at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, formerly the Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8BB, UK.

See also ‘Products and Services’ at Prices supplied on request.

10. Conditions on use

Standard software copyright.


(First entered: 27 AUG 01

Last updated: 01 AUG 01)