Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components K65.2.02
(DEC 99)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     This program (HEC-6) computes water surface and sediment bed profiles for rivers and reservoirs by analysing the interaction between sediment material in the stream bed and the flowing water sediment mixture.

2.   Description

     The total sediment load transported along a stream, and changes in the stream's bed elevation and water surface profile with respect to time are calculated at each cross section considering the following: the inflowing water discharge, inflowing sediment load, gradation of material in the stream's bed, armoring and destruction of the armor lever. Clay, silt, sand and gravel sizes are transported and cobble sizes can be included for armor calculations.

3.   Input

     Card image input. The data needed to perform these computations include: (1) geometric data consisting of cross sections, reach lengths, and n-values; (2) sediment data consisting of inflowing sediment load, stream bed gradation, and sediment properties; and (3) hydrologic data consisting of discharge, flow duration and water temperatures.

4.   Output

     Several levels of output information are available for each major data group. Data edit and debugging options may be selected by program users.  

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     a) Persons with knowledge and experience in open channel flow and
        sediment transport theory and a basic understanding of computers
        can apply the program.

     b) One week of training is required.

     c) The program is written in FORTRAN. The executable program is
        available for PC’s.

     d) Program limitations: It is a one-dimensional steady flow model with
        no provision for simulating the development of meanders or
        specifying a lateral distribution of sediment load across a cross

6.   Form of presentation

     Program is available on diskette or via Internet download. Support documentation consists of a Users Manual and training documents. Instructional videotapes are also available.

7.   Operational experience


8.   Originator and technical support

     The Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. HEC provides support to Corps offices; numerous engineering firms are available to support others - see

9.   Availability

     Download from; or from the HOMS National Reference Centre for USA.

10.  Conditions on use

     Internet download is free. A standard handling fee is charged for the diskettes and documentation.

Reclassified from J27.2.01 MAR 1987
(First entered:03 FEB 81

Last updated: 6 DEC 99)