Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components | K35.3.06 (DEC 99) |
Explanation of the dates on the component's description | ||
1. Purpose and objectives The program computes water surface profiles for steady, gradually varied flow in rivers of any cross section. 2. Description Flow may be sub-critical or super-critical. Extensive analysis of water surface profiles through structures such as bridges, culverts and weirs is performed. Variable channel roughness and variable reach length between adjacent cross sections can be accommodated. Several energy and/or 3. Input Graphic user input, including: flow regime, starting elevation, discharge, loss coefficients, cross-section geometry, and reach lengths. A digital terrain pre-and post-process is available to prepare data and display results. 4. Output Tabular and graphical data can be produced on the screen and printer from a choice of numerous variables and formats. 5. Operational requirements and restrictions a. Persons with knowledge and experience in open channel flow and a b. One week of training is required. c. The program was written for use Windows 95 or better PC’s. C and 6. Form of presentation CD or download from Support documentation consists of a Users, Hydraulic Reference, and Applications Manuals and Training Documents. Instructional videotapes are also available. 7. Operational experience Extensive, worldwide, with predecessor HEC-2 Software. 8. Originator and technical support The Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 9. Availability Direct download via the Internet at or from the HOMS National Reference Centre for USA. 10. Conditions on use A standard handling fee is charged for the CD, downloading is free.
Reclassified from J78.3.01 MAR 1987 (First entered:03 FEB 81 |
Last updated: 1 DEC 99) |