Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components   K15.3.02
(DEC 99)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     DAMBRK develops an outflow discharge hydrograph due to spillway and/or dam-failure flows. This hydrograph is routed through the downstream river-valley. Peak water surface profiles, maximum discharge profiles, and their time of occurrence are computed.

2.   Description

     The DAMBRK model develops an outflow discharge hydrograph due to head-dependent flow through spillways, over the dam crest, and through a time-dependent, variable-geometry, dynamic breach. The breach characteristics are specified by the model user. The effects of reservoir inflows are considered along with the storage characteristics of the reservoir via a choice of either storage or dynamic-wave routing within the reservoir. Capabilities for generating a wave due to landslides are also available in DAMBRK. The outflow hydrograph is stored internally and then routed through the downstream valley via a dynamic wave routing technique in which the St. Venant equations are solved by an implicit 4-pt weighted finite difference technique using variable time and distance steps.

3.   Input

     Card input. Data requirements include: breach width, time of duration of failure, reservoir inflow time series, spillway characteristics, reservoir storage characteristics, starting reservoir pool elevation, 
cross-section geometry in the form of channel widths vs. elevation table, Manning n coefficients, expansion-contraction coefficients, and location of cross-sections and downstream dams or bridges.

4.   Output

     Printed output in form of tables and line-printer plots.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     a) Users should have knowledge and experience in unsteady open-channel flow.
     b) Three to five day training seminar recommended.
     c) The program was written in FORTRAN IV for use on the IBM 360/195, but has been used on a         wide variety of main frame, mini, and microcomputers with little or no modifications.
     d) Maximum array sizes are for 200 cross-sections, 700 time steps, 6 plots, 8 channel widths, 10         lateral inflows, 10 multiple dams. 
     e) Program limitations: the model considers the unsteady flow to be one-dimensional. The program         is applicable on single river problems only.
     f) Typical CPU requirements (IBM compatible PC - 133 mhz Pentium) are less than 30 seconds and         storage requirements are less than 1 MB of storage space

6.   Form of presentation

     3/5" floppy diskette, and written documentation; program also available over the Internet. The Internet address is

7.   Operational experience

     Hundreds of applications throughout North America and Europe.

8.   Originator and technical support

     Dr. D.L. Fread - Office of Hydrology (Originator),  
     Mrs. J.M. Sylvestre - Hydrologic Research Laboratory (Support).

9.   Availability

     HOMS National Reference Centre for USA.

10.  Conditions on use

     A standard handling fee is charged for the diskette and documentation.

Reclassified from K50.3.01 MAR 1987
(First entered: 23 JAN 81 

Last updated: 12 NOV 99)