Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components   K15.2.02
(DEC 99)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     The program computes expected annual damage (commonly referred to as average annual damage) which is needed in the economic evaluation of flood plain management plans. Risk and uncertainty can also be evaluated.

2.   Description

     Damage may be computed in two modes: (1) the expected annual damage obtained by integrating the damage v. the exceedance probability function and (2) the equivalent annual flood damage associated with a particular discount rate and period of analysis. The computations are made for each 
floodplain management plan based on the hydrologic, hydraulic and economic data associated with each damage area. The damage reduced is determined by comparing the with- and without- project conditions. Project performance calculations and results are also performed and displayed.

3.   Input

     Graphic user interface prompts users for input. The data required for damage calculations by EAD consists of sets of the following for each floodplain management plan: exceedance probability vs. flows or stages, stages vs. flow for rating curves, and stage vs. damage.

4.   Output

     The computed values for damage are displayed by damage category. There is also a summary table of the results for the base year and most likely future condition year. Extensive graphics are provided.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     The program has a windows graphical user interface and is operational on Windows 95, 98, NT and UNIX.

6.   Form of presentation

     CD or download from . Support documentation consists of a user manual, which is also on the CD and website.

7.   Operational experience

     Extensive -- public agencies and private consultants, mostly U.S., some foreign.

8.   Originator and technical support

     The Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

9.   Availability

     Download from or from the HOMS National Reference Centre for USA.

10.  Conditions on use

     Internet download is free. A standard handling fee is charged for the CD and documentation.

Reclassified from K13.2.02 MAR 1987
(First entered: 23 JAN 81 

Last updated: 1 DEC 99)