Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components     I09.3.01
(JUL 00)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     A method for correcting the estimated annual sediment load of a river, which compensates for the flow in the region near the bed where instruments cannot normally reach.

2.   Description

     The flow velocity, sediment concentration and sediment size distribution are measured at five or more different depths on a number of verticals and from these measurements composite vertical distribution curves or equations are derived for velocity and for concentration of each sediment size fraction.

     The velocity, sediment concentration, and percentages of each size fraction are averaged transversely across the section at each depth, and these averages are plotted against relative depth on logarithmic paper to give the composite curves. Parameters of the equations are determined from the slope and intercepts of straight lines drawn through the points. The curves can then be extrapolated towards the bed, into the region where instruments cannot reach, to provide more accurate estimates of mean velocity, sediment concentration, and sediment size fraction.

     The distribution curves can also be used to correct the annual load of sediment as usually measured. A correction factor is computed for each separate size fraction, and these are then used to compute a correction to the total load (all size fractions).

3.   Input

     Measured data of velocity, concentration and distribution of particle size (at least five points in vertical, as near to the bottom as possible), and the annual load as usually measured.

4.   Output

     Correction factor, corrected annual load.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     For use in large rivers. At least five points of velocity, concentration, and particle size distribution should be measured on sufficient verticals to give a good coverage of the river section.

6.   Form of presentation

     Paper in English describing the method.

7    Operational experience

     The method has been applied to large rivers in China, especially the Yangtze River.

8.   Originator and technical support

     Bu Ce, Bureau of Hydrology, Yangtze Water Resources Commission, Wuhan, China.

9.   Availability

     From the HOMS National Reference Centre for China.

10.  Conditions on use

     Free of charge.

(First entered: 15 APR 88

Last updated: 24 MAY 91)