Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components     G30.3.01
(JAN 98)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and Objectives 

     The last ten years have seen a growing awareness that water, soil and the subsurface space cannot be managed in a sustainable manner unless all interests have been carefully considered and the strategic planning and operational management have been attuned to the various environmental 
compartments. This integrated management of water and the subsurface has led to a huge demand for data and information and also for information systems. The REGISPRO information system is a tool to support this integrated management. 

2.   Description 

     The REGISPRO system consists of a Data Storage Kernel (DSK) and an Application Environment (AE). REGISPRO*DSK comprises functionality for general data management (acquisition,maintenance, selection, output), whereas REGISPRO*AE comprises a set of generic tools for processing spatial 
and non-spatial data (map analysis, statistics, map editing and interpretation, reporting) and a set of tools for certain specific geoscientific applications. REGISPRO*DSK and REGISPRO*AE are the building blocks for creating a customized REGIS system efficiently for one user or a user group. The generic tools of REGISPRO*AE can be applied to randomly chosen objects via a uniform user interface, allowing end users to fulfil many of their wishes without needing extensive programming knowledge or knowledge of the underlying software. Systems of varying complexity can be set up, from a relatively simple view version for viewing and presenting data to an advanced version which, in addition, can manage data and perform complex data analyses within one integrated environment. Furthermore, professional developers familiar with the underlying software and holding development privileges can use the generic tools to build functionality for new fields of application. The specific tools developed by TNO within REGISPRO*AE currently comprise functionality for geological, 
geohydrological, geotechnical, geochemical and geo-environmental applications. The system is continuously in development, in response to market needs. 

3.   Input

     The REGISPRO datamodel is adapted to national and international standards and in principle can therefore handle all standardized spatial and non-spatial data sets. Data capture: a large set of interactive forms applications have been developed for manual entry of the data. These applications provide all the integrity checks and consistency controls which are necessary to guarantee the integrity of the database contents. For bulk data loading, the generic REGISPRO*Loader can be used. This tool 
can be configured to deal with proprietary data formats and is able to import data from different types of external data sources. A number of Redefined descriptions are available which allow data exchange with a number of industry standard packages (e.g. Lotus, Dbase IV, Excel, Paradox). Maps can be captured by scanning or digitizing. Scanning allows for a rapid coverage of the entire project area and can be followed by on-screen digitizing at a later stage. Pictures and drawings, often essential 
geoscientific information, can be scanned and associated with the relevant real world objects.

4.   Output 

     A selection of data, or the result of an analysis, can be presented in the form of reports, maps or graphs. Using the generic REGISPRO*Exporter they can be exported directly in ASCII files or transformed into other formats for exchange with other information systems. All manner of annotations, legends, etc. can be added to maps, graphs or drawings before these are plotted. The database can be used to prepare data that can then be used directly in external applications.

5.   Operational Requirements and Restrictions 

     REGISPRO can be installed on a PC (Minimal requirement an 80586 processor), with at least 32 MB internal memory or on a UNIX workstation. REGISPRO runs under WINDOWS NT and various UNIX versions. 

6.   Forms of Presentation 

     A comprehensive REGISPRO user's guide is available. REGISPRO is subject to ongoing development. This means that the generic and specific functionality is extended and improved continuously. Users with a maintenance contract are entitled to new versions.

7.   Operational Experience

     TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience - the central groundwater research institute in the Netherlands has been administering the national databank on groundwater and the subsurface for over 40 years. Since 1990 the On-Line Groundwater Archive (OLGA) databank has been extended to include 
information on surface water, in support of the development of a REgional Geohydrological Information System (REGIS), commissioned by the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management and provincial governments. With the recent development of the REGISPRO concept, a coherent product line of information systems has been formed, which is being used by various organizations in the Netherlands: ministries, provinces, water supply companies, municipalities, consulting engineers and universities. 

8.   Originator and Technical Support

     TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience, P.O.Box 6012, 2600 JA DELFT, The Netherlands, Phone: (31 15) 269 69 00, fax: (31 15) 256 48 00

9.   Availability

     From TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience, The Netherlands.

10.  Conditions on Use 

     The use of REGISPRO is subject to a Licence Agreement at commercial rates. Discounts are available for purely educational use. 

(First entered:31 JULY 01

Last updated: 19 JAN 98)