Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components     G06.3.06
(SEP 07)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description

The System of Hydrology

1.   Purpose and objectives

    A System for collecting, processing and distributing data as well as hydrological and meteorological products.

2.   Description

    The System of Hydrology (SH) is IT software used for collecting, processing and distribution of data as well as hydrological and meteorological products in the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW).

    Every 10 minutes data from about 1000 telemetric posts located throughout Poland are uploaded to SH.

    It is possible to upload data to the System of Hydrology from the following sources:

    - Ground hydrological and meteorological measurement stations
    • Data in form of logs and tables
    • Data sent via e-mail and ftp
    • Data measured remotely in the telemetric system sent by radio, GSM and ISDN
    - Radar System
    • Data in the GRIB format with the analysis of the current situation
    • Precipitation forecasts in the GRIB format
    - Meteorological Forecasts Offices
    • Precipitation forecasts, temperatures, wind direction and speed
    - Meteorological mesoscale models
    • Precipitation forecasts in GRIB format
    - Historical Database
    • Hydrological and meteorological data
    - Field hydrometric measurements
    • Hydrometric data
    • Cross and longitudinal sections
    • ADCP measurements
    - GIS layers
    • Maps and GIS layers

As a result of SH work, the following items can be generated:

- Messages, forecasts and warnings (e.g. regarding floods, storms and droughts)
- Reports, comparisons and charts
- Forecast and simulation hydrological models
- Hydrological annuals, flow intensity curves, metadata
- New methods of data development and application

3.   Input

     From sources indicated under 2) above.

4.   Output

    Various products as indicated under 2) above.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     The System of Hydrology can be implemented for computers with operating system as WINDOWS XP with Microsoft Office XP. The minimum computer configuration is at least 512 MB of RAM (1024 MB is recommended) and Pentium 4 (or similar) processor. The System of Hydrology is implemented on ORACLE 9i database.

6.   Form of presentation

     Computing program.

7.   Operational experience

    The System of Hydrology is in operational use at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management since 2006.

8.   Originator and technical support

    Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (tel. +48 22 56 94 378, +48 22 56 94 278, +48 12 63 -98 -382 , e-mail:,

9.   Availability

    From HNRC for Poland at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management.

10.  Conditions on use

     The system is protected by copyright and for sale. Prices are available on request from HNRC Poland.

(First entered: JAN 08

Last updated: JAN 08)