Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components     G06.3.05
(JAN 98)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     A package for entry, storage, retrieval and presentation of hydrological and meteorological data.

2.   Description

     Dawaco is a fully menu-driven data base package, which can handle the following types of data:

     - Well characteristics
     - Lithological descriptions
     - Ground water level measurements
     - Ground water quality measurements
     - Ground water abstractions
     - Meteorological data

3.   Input

     Data can be entered manual or can be imported from Ascii-formatted files. Data consistency checks are incorporated in the data entry options.

4.   Output

     Data can be presented in a wide range of tabular and graphical forms, or can be exported to other systems. By using ODBC drivers the data can be consulted directly.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     The package is available for DOS and Windows 95 operating systems and has the same requirements of those operating systems.

6.   Form of presentation

     Run-time versions are available on CD-ROM and include an on-line manual.

7.   Operational experience

     The Dutch version of the package is used by 20 Public Water Supply Companies in the Netherlands and 4 Water Supply Companies in Belgium The English version is used by the Egyptian Water Authorities and Hungarian Institutes.

8.   Originator and technical support

     IWACO B.V., Consultants for Water and Environment, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

9.   Availability

     From the HOMS National Reference Centre for The Netherlands.

10.  Conditions on use

     A charge will be made for supplying the package.

(First entered:31 JULY 01

Last updated: 19 JAN 98)