Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components     G06.3.02
(MAY 99)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     To provide a comprehensive hydrological database and analysis data package suitable for an IBM.AT compatible computer.

2.   Description

     HYDATA is an easy-to-use, menu-operated PC programme for storing, checking, processing, presenting and analysis of the types of data most often encountered in hydrological studies. These include daily, sub-daily (e.g. 15 minute) and monthly river levels, river flows, rainfall data, and 
reservoir and lake levels and storage, as well as more general data such as temperature or evaporation.

     HYDATA offers quality control on data entry, and individual items may be flagged as coming from different sources, e.g. observed or modelled. Station details are stored and comments may be added to the data. Data transfer from a PC compatible source such as an electronic logger, a hydrological model, or a mainframe computer is straightforward.
     The system includes facilities for developing rating equations from river gauging, and these can be used automatically to convert river stages to flows. Analysis routines are also included for annual minimum-frequency analysis, low-flow statistics and flow-duration curves.  
     HYDATA produces printouts suitable for use in reports or yearbooks, and versatile graphics both on screen and as hard copy.  A FORTRAN library is provided for abstracting data directly into user-written programs.

     The package is available in a DOS-based (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese) or Windows-based (English) version.

3.   Input

     Data and/or commands manually or from a file. It is also possible to transfer data from ASCII files, data loggers, through modems, and (through third-party software) digitized charts. HYDATA can also interface with the CLICOM system developed under the WMO World Climate Programme. 

4.   Output

     Printed summaries of stations on the system; yearbook-style printouts of all data; lists of river gaugings, rating equations and rating tables; results from analysis program; screen and plotter graphics for all types of data and the analysis program.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     An IBM-AT or PS/2 compatible computer with Enhanced Graphics display, an IBM/Epson graphics printer. Minimum requirements for the Windows version are a Pentium 100Mhz processor with 32Mb of memory running under a Windows 3.11, Windows 95 or Windows NT operating system.

6.   Form of presentation

     Floppy disks and a user manual.

7.   Operational experience

     HYDATA has been used in more than 50 countries and is used as the national hydrological database system in more than 20 of these.

8.   Originator and technical support

     Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK. All new users can have one year of free technical support which includes a helpline accessible by letter, phone, fax or e-mail. International training courses are also available.

9.   Availability

     The software is for sale.

     A free information pack is available from the UK HOMS Office, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, formerly the Institute of Hydrology, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB.

10.  Conditions on use

     Software use subject to licence agreement.

(First entered:JUL 90

Last updated: MAY 99)