Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components     G06.2.03
(MAY 99)
Explanation of the dates on the component's description



1.   Purpose and objectives

     To provide a comprehensive PC-based system for the acquisition, management, analysis and presentation of hydrological or climate data.

2.   Description 

     The HYDSYS Data Management Suite provides a complete solution to environmental data management incorporating components to manage time series data, groundwater bore information and water quality data as well as providing a mapping interface and modelling tools. The HYDSYS Product Suite is aimed at organizations that need to manage large amounts of data.

     HYDSYS/TS Time Series Data Management has facilities for: storing time series data efficiently; importing data from a wide range of sources; editing and reviewing data; analysing data; reporting on the quality of 
data; integrating with other systems; publishing data; and storing supporting information such as station information, rating tables and gaugings.

     HYDSYS/MA (Mapping add on) provides a mapping front-end to your HYDSYS archive. You can access data stored in your HYDSYS archive by clicking on a station and then selecting the data you are interested in. You can access live data, pre-computed reports or any documents associated with a station.

     HYDSYS/MO (Modeling add on) is a synchronous modelling tool for performing calculations with HYDSYS data where time is allowed to advance in regular steps. For example models can be created for: water balance analyses; load calculation; I&I analysis; error propagation analysis, 
reservoir modelling; and simple flow routing.

     HYDSYS/WQ (Water Quality add on) for managing water quality data. With a flexible database structure HYDSYS/WQ lets you store any number of analysis results with each sample. It also allows you to store any number of samples. HYDSYS/WQ is tightly integrated with HYDSYS/TS, which enables you to combine your water quality data with your quantity data.

     HYDSYS/GW (Ground Water add on) for managing groundwater bore information. You can store everything you need to know about groundwater bores including construction details, casings, screens, aquifers penetrated, lithology, geology and much more. Bore production databases allow you to record water levels, pump test results, water chemistry, water usage and more.

     HYDSYS/TS is the core component; MA, MO, WQ and GW are add ons to HYDSYS/TS

3.   Input

     Any data source can be interfaced to HYDSYS. Facilities are provided to import data from ASCII files and dBaseIII+ databases. A comprehensive chart-digitizing program uses a flat bed digitizer and graphically displays progress on the PC screen.

4.   Output

     HYDSYS provides numerous reports and graphical outputs. Graphical outputs can be directed to a variety of screens, printers and plotters. Data can be exported in a number of file formats for further analysis.

5.   Operational requirements and restrictions

     Recommended configuration:

     Intel Pentium 266, 64 Mb RAM, 1Gb free disk space, 800x600, 256 colour video mode, Windows compatible mouse, CD-ROM, Internet access, Windows NT 4

6.   Form of presentation

     HYDSYS is delivered on a CD-ROM. The system as installed occupies over 300 Mb of disk space. The on line help is in English. 

7.   Operational experience

     HYDSYS is used by over 100 organisations worldwide, including most of the major urban and rural water organisations within Australia, to manage their archives of climate and water resources data. Because of its sophisticated data compression features, HYDSYS can store archives comprising thousands of station years of continuous data on a PC hard disk. Very large archives may be managed on a LAN, with multiple workstations accessing the data.

8.   Originator and technical support

     HYDSYS Pty Ltd., Australia. HYDSYS is fully supported by HYDSYS Pty Ltd and ongoing licence contracts are mandatory.

9.   Availability

     -On the WEB:
     -USA: Patrick Hayes & Associates - Email:
     -UK: Montgomery Watson - Email (Derek Gamble):
     -New Zealand: Doug McMillan, Environmental Quality Systems 
     -Malaysia: Michael Ting, Tel: 82 33 2052, Fax: 82 33 7793
     -Australia: Peter F. Heweston, HYDSYS Pty Ltd;

10.  Conditions on use

     HYDSYS is distributed under licence. Licence fees start at US $12 000 for a single system. Discounts are available for multiple purchases. Annual licence fees are mandatory.

(First entered:8 Nov 89

Last updated: 12 May 99)