Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components |
A00.0.02 (JUL 99) |
Explanation of the dates on the component's description | ||
1. Purpose and objectives To raise awareness of field staff to potential hazards in their work; to provide a ready reference to the application of safe working practices on the job; to provide information on the best remedial procedures to adopt in the event of an accident. 2. Description The item is a manual on hazard management. It deals with hazards encountered in: wading and wading gauging; the use of cableways; boats and gauging from boats; general water safety (including cold water survival); site access and river bank safety; construction and maintenance of hydrological installations; stilling wells; use of bridges for gauging; use of motor vehicle including off-road travel; mountain safety; helicopters; radio-active equipment; accident reporting; first aid. 3. Input Not applicable. 4. Output Not applicable. 5. Operational requirements and restrictions Does not deal with hazards peculiar to tropical or arctic conditions. 6. Form of presentation Published manual in English: "Hydrologist's safety manual" by J.K. Fenwick, NIWA Science and Technology Series 16, (75p), 1994. 7. Operational experience The manual is a summary of experience in New Zealand on safety issues for hydrologists. It is a training resource for staff undertaking fieldwork. 8. Originator and technical support NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd,) New Zealand. 9. Availability From the HOMS National Reference Centre for New Zealand. 10. Conditions on use Normal conditions as applicable for copyright material. Cost $NZ60. |
(First entered: 01 FEB 93 | Last updated: 05 DEC 95) |