Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17-18 October 2005

Theme 1: Applications of buoy data

4. A Global Timeseries Observatory System (OceanSITES)

Author: Uwe Send (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

Abstract: An international effort (OceanSITES) will be presented for coordinating and facilitating the implementation of a sustained open-ocean timeseries observatory system. The Steering Team consists of scientists involved in or with an interest in operating sites that would contribute to the system. All major ocean research disciplines are represented. A goal is that this system serve both the research and operational communities, and to reach pre-operational and sustained status. A number of developments are needed for this, including technology and data management, and it will be shown that these are well on the way or existing already.