Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17-18 October 2005

Theme 3: Vision and Possibilities / Technological Developments

14. Technical Challenges Facing the DBCP

Author: David Meldrum, Chair DBCP

Abstract: The DBCP was formed in 1985 to address a number of pressing issues concerning data flowing from the new networks of drifting buoys that had recently been deployed in the global oceans. Key amongst its objectives were a) to improve the quality, quantity and timeliness of drifter data reaching the forecast agencies and designated archives, b) to approach the oceanographers with a view to persuading them to put their data on the GTS, and c) to encourage the formation of regional action groups as a means of promoting drifting buoy activities. To a large extent the panel has been successful, principally through the actions of its technical coordinator, in achieving these aims, and the panel now needs to redefine its mission to ensure that it remains a key force in future ocean observation. Many of the issues that now lie before the panel are organisational in nature, but it also faces a number of new technology challenges, many of which are common to other observational platforms. A number of these challenges will be discussed, and the debate on the future mission of the panel opened.