Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Chennai, India, 18-19 October 2004

Theme 1: Applications / Research

The experience from the marine monitoring and forecasting system in Spain using the Seawatch Partnership
Peter Schjolberg (Fugro Oceanor, Norway)


OCEANOR (Fugro OCEANOR) was in 1995 selected by the Puertos del Estado (Coastal and Harbour Authorities in Spain) to execute the contract for the project: “ Warning and Observation Network for the Marine Environment in Spanish Coastal Waters”. Today Fugro OCEANOR is responsible for the service and maintenance of the met ocean buoy networks.
The operational marine environment monitoring system consists of four main elements:

-1- Data collection system based on buoys, radars and tidal measuring stations
-2- Numerical forecasting models
-3- Database
-4- Data presentation module

The oceanographic division at Puertos del Estado made the numerical models, the database, the data presentation module, the integration of the four modules and makes the forecasting services.
Puertos del Estado is a member of the Seawatch Partnership. The main objective for this partnership is intended to provide a forum for exchange of information within the “ Seawatch family”. The foundation of the Seawatch Partnership was in Brest in 29th April 2004.