Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Chennai, India, 18-19 October 2004

Theme 3: Vision, Possibilities, Tech. Developments

Iridium GTS data processing at Argos
Bill Woodward (SAI), Christian Ortega,(CLS)


The DBCP strongly urges all buoy operators to insert the meteorological and oceanographic data collected from their observing networks onto the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) for worldwide dissemination and use. For buoys and platforms that use Argos for their data communications the necessary processing and distribution onto the GTS is provided by Argos at no cost. Alternative data communications methods to Argos do not presently provide such a service. Consequently, Argos is expanding its capabilities to provide that service for data collected by other satellite communications. To date, the capability has been developed to acquire, decode, reformat and send to the GTS data collected via the Iridium system. This presentation will review the work performed, the observing platforms involved and directions for the future.