Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Chennai, India, 18-19 October 2004

Theme 3: Vision, Possibilities, Tech. Developments

Upgrades to the Metocean SVP/BP Buoy
Bernie Petolas (Metocean Data Systems)


Over the last 18 months, METOCEAN Data Systems have systematically upgraded our line of SVP drifters with focus on reducing cost and improving long-term performance. Design changes have been made to the Argos PTT, the digital CPU, the power supply, the hull, the barometric pressure sensor, the plumbing system, the hull, the tether and the drogue. Testing over the last 12 months has shown an improvement in buoy performance while reducing the price of manufacturing. As well, we have embarked on a program of “Lean Manufacturing”. Using the methods of "Lean", we have cut our production time on buoys by 40% and greatly decreased wasted time and material. We have streamlined the manufacturing and the Quality Assurance (ISO 9001-2000 certification) processes to minimize costs without impeding performance.